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Lesson Learned: Improving Maya Women's Access to Justice in Rural Guatemala

Community advocates have the potential to be a powerful support network for supporting community awareness, navigating victims to justice services, and play a role in restorative justice processes as a survivor rights group. To optimize this potential, community advocates need institutional backing, continual skills training, linkages to institutional networks, and community recognition.
Project Partner
Women's Justice Initiative
Project Description
This project seeks to improve access to justice for some 2,900 indigenous women living in rural areas of Tecpan, Guatemala through free legal support, accompaniment of survivors, and strengthening local governance and municipal response to violence against women and girls. In addition, the project aims to increase the capacities of 175 key public actors including community leaders, service providers, and police at the local, municipal, and departmental level to provide quality services to indigenous survivors and promote human rights.
Evaluation Date
March 2022

Lesson Learned: Improving Maya Women's Access to Justice in Rural Guatemala

There is a strong demand for legal support services, which only increases by offering this service. Projects must anticipate this growing demand and establish the mechanism to respond while also strengthening interinstitutional efforts to continuously provide these services.
Project Partner
Women's Justice Initiative
Project Description
This project seeks to improve access to justice for some 2,900 indigenous women living in rural areas of Tecpan, Guatemala through free legal support, accompaniment of survivors, and strengthening local governance and municipal response to violence against women and girls. In addition, the project aims to increase the capacities of 175 key public actors including community leaders, service providers, and police at the local, municipal, and departmental level to provide quality services to indigenous survivors and promote human rights.
Evaluation Date
March 2022

Lesson Learned: Improving Maya Women's Access to Justice in Rural Guatemala

Survivors of gender-based violence need integrated support services throughout the process to seek justice. This often involves land titles, housing, childcare, income generation, and psychosocial support services. Established relationships with organizations that can offer these services will help women to access integrated support that they need.
Project Partner
Women's Justice Initiative
Project Description
This project seeks to improve access to justice for some 2,900 indigenous women living in rural areas of Tecpan, Guatemala through free legal support, accompaniment of survivors, and strengthening local governance and municipal response to violence against women and girls. In addition, the project aims to increase the capacities of 175 key public actors including community leaders, service providers, and police at the local, municipal, and departmental level to provide quality services to indigenous survivors and promote human rights.
Evaluation Date
March 2022

Lesson Learned: Promoting Participatory Governance and the Rule of Law in South Kivu

The choice of grantees, with a "niche" contribution in complex contexts and with a high capacity for access seems key for any other initiative supported by UNDEF. In this, the choice of the grantee as a partner in setting up the project was the main reason for the success of this project; their knowledge of the geographical area covered by the project, their deep, longstanding relation with the institutional and civil society actors, their outreach to actors located in the most remote areas and their sound financial and technical skills were indeed factors leading to a successful implementation of the project, maximising its impact.
Project Partner
Project Description
In a context characterized by the recurrence of violations of human rights and freedoms, the project aims to respond to the major problem, identified by the Protection Cluster, which is "attacks on the right to life, dignity and freedom. "integrity of the person". This will be done through reactive, corrective and constructive actions, with technical support to the local Volunteer and Volunteer Community-CLOC Local Organizing Committees. This support includes: (1) Capacity building through training for members of these community structures and local authorities on the protection, promotion of human rights and community mediation, and on the reduction of human rights violations.(2) Technical and material support for advocacy, awareness-raising and mediation actions aimed at strengthening collaboration between the civilian population and local civil and military authorities and (3) easy access for victims to appropriate care services.
Evaluation Date
January 2022

Lesson Learned: Empowering Female and Youth Domestic Workers in Uganda

Accessing Domestic Workers who are live-in, rather than live-out requires a different approach, given the difficulties in undertaking door-to-door engagement. There are still many domestic workers isolated and unaware of their rights.
Project Partner
Platform for Labour Action
Project Description
The project aims to promote the recognition of domestic work as decent work and domestic workers (WDs) contribution to society. 3500 domestic workers reached will be positioned to take individual and collective actions to improve working conditions. Two Associations of existing 61 mutual support groups of the domestic workers will be established to build solidarity and support for each other, develop advocacy strategies and represent themselves with support from PLA in influencing change. This project will also further the participation of female and youth DWs in claiming their rights, accessing services including legal aid and inclusion in decision making in policy, local and national government processes.
Evaluation Date
September 2020

Lesson Learned: Mainstreaming the Sustainable Development Goals in the Arab Civil Society Agenda

Monitoring the progress of SDG implementation in the Arab region (and other regions where there is a lack of reliable/accurate data and access to information) would be more effective through the use of qualitative rather than quantitiative information. Since national statistics are highly unreliable and access to information is limited, work on SDGs has been more successful when the focus is on qualitative policy reform or when the work is highly localized to areas where statistics are reliable and information is accessible.

Project Partner
Arab NGO Network for Development
Project Description
The project aims to advance dialogue among CSOs, political parties, academics and trade unions in the context of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals. In order to achieve this, the projects plans to establish a permanent Arab Forum that will serve as a platform for raising awareness, enhancing engagement, producing publications and e-tools, and building the capacity of various stakeholders in monitoring the implementation of the new Sustainable Development Agenda.
Evaluation Date
December 2018

Lesson Learned: Defence of Vulnerable People and Democracy Restoration for Workers in the Exploitation of Mines in Democratic Republic of Congo

In areas where long-distance travel is difficult, it is important to take this into account in project design. The legal clinics provided to miners in this project would have had greater impact if there were more of them or if they were provided with means of transport. The distance between clinics prevented those in need from taking advantage of the legal resources provided to them.

Project Description
This project aims to increase the effectiveness and protection of economic, social and cultural rights of local communities and traditional miners in relation to the exploitation of mineral resources, in the DRC. This will be achieved through a legal reform, the popularization of legal texts, awareness raising of local community leaders, of the judiciary and mine administration officials on their rights and obligations; in support of mining diggers rights and the monitoring of human rights related to the exploitation of natural resources.
Evaluation Date
August 2018

Lesson Learned: Defence of Vulnerable People and Democracy Restoration for Workers in the Exploitation of Mines in Democratic Republic of Congo

In order to increase the efficiency of radio broadcast awareness campaigns, these programs need to be interactive and broadcast on local radio in the local language.

Project Description
This project aims to increase the effectiveness and protection of economic, social and cultural rights of local communities and traditional miners in relation to the exploitation of mineral resources, in the DRC. This will be achieved through a legal reform, the popularization of legal texts, awareness raising of local community leaders, of the judiciary and mine administration officials on their rights and obligations; in support of mining diggers rights and the monitoring of human rights related to the exploitation of natural resources.
Evaluation Date
August 2018

Lesson Learned: Defence of Vulnerable People and Democracy Restoration for Workers in the Exploitation of Mines in Democratic Republic of Congo

Knowledge of the characteristics of the target group is of paramount importance to effective project implementation. The target group in question in this project was Congolese miners. The miners frequently move from one mine site to another depending on whether ores are easy to find or facilities are offered by traders or well owners. Thus, a better awareness of this target group requires that in addition to theoretical training, documents be made accessible to wherever they travel.

Project Description
This project aims to increase the effectiveness and protection of economic, social and cultural rights of local communities and traditional miners in relation to the exploitation of mineral resources, in the DRC. This will be achieved through a legal reform, the popularization of legal texts, awareness raising of local community leaders, of the judiciary and mine administration officials on their rights and obligations; in support of mining diggers rights and the monitoring of human rights related to the exploitation of natural resources.
Evaluation Date
August 2018

Lesson Learned: Civic education and empowerment for more women in leadership, from villages to parliament in Fiji

A large number of the vulnerable population benefited from the capacity building activities: one of the main strengths of the project was to make training facilities accessible by people who were usually excluded such as persons with disabilities, people living in remote areas and marginalized women including sex -workers. The training sessions involving the sex workers were particularly effective at providing learning that connected to the beneficiaries’ lives and motivated them to participate for the first time in the electoral process.
Project Partner
National Council of Women Fiji
Project Description
The project aimed to increase women’s representation in public office as part of wider support for women’s representation in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project strategy was structured around three expected outcomes: increased awareness and knowledge of civic education principles among potential women leaders in Fiji; increased capacity of potential women leaders for active participation in civil leadership within both parliament and administrative boards and councils in Fiji and increased awareness within the broader community of the importance of the involvement of women in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project had some success, in particular in training marginal women who are usually excluded from mainstream education and in working with church groups and political parties from across the political spectrum. Implementation, however, was marred by a number of administrative and management shortcomings including a lack of SMART indicators and irregular communication. In addition, the project encountered a number of external challenges including political tensions that generated delays in implementation and the tropical cyclone in February 2016 that left homeless ten thousands of people.
Evaluation Date
July 2016