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human rights


Lesson Learned: Human Rights Education for the Police

The workshops and study tours were very effective at awareness raising among the police educators and for one participant were “an eye opener which took the staff of the faculties out of their academic isolation”. Participants left the training owning the idea that dedicated human rights courses for the police must be held in Kazakhstan.

Project Partner
Kazakh International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law
Project Description
Aiming to improve human rights protection of citizens in Kazakhstan, the project developed a human rights education course for introduction into the curricula of Kazakh institutions training future police officers. The project involved training staff involved in educating police recruits. Outputs aimed to ensure that graduates from this human rights training programme exercise their functions taking into account international human rights standards. However, the project's ultimate impact - the mandatory introduction of human rights training into the police academies' curriculum - remained unachieved.
Evaluation Date
May 2012

Lesson Learned: Enhancing the Functional Protection of Human Rights in Ethiopia

The training in Ethiopia covered issues such as identification of human rights violations and of applicable legislation and international standards. The training sessions fully met participants’ expectations and requirements of the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission. Trainers took a very practical approach and followed up with a hands-on coaching session on the preparation of the first National Status Report on the implementation of international standards ratified by Ethiopia. The report drafting task was directly within the scope of work of training participants.
Project Partner
International Development Law Organization
Project Description
The project aimed to develop the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) into a functional institution able to protect and enforce human rights in line with Ethiopian laws and international norms and standards. As the EHRC was a relatively young institution, the grantee did not only focus on the development of human rights protection skills, but prioritized in the project’s initial phase also the development of operational management capacity. The grantee could have adjusted the initial project plan to avoid overlap with activities already implemented under the Democratic Institutions Programme managed by UNDP. The relevance of the project was further limited by the grantee’s weak risk assessment and mitigation. The original design failed to appreciate the risks surrounding the project, most importantly the international grantee took permission to set up an office in Addis for granted which it then did not obtain. The project also appeared unprepared to address the challenging political environment in which the EHRC operated.
Evaluation Date
May 2012

Lesson Learned: Human rights and democracy campaign

The grantee’s multidisciplinary approach brought together organisations with complementary areas of expertise mixing rural development, democratization and human rights. This proved appropriate and contributed to the success of the project.
Project Partner
Association pour la Recherche et l'Education pour le Développement en
Project Description
Aiming to contribute to the emergence of responsible and aware citizens in four of Senegal’s regions, the project provided information on human rights and democracy in the country’s most common languages - Wolof and Pulaar. The project also aimed to ensure citizens access to legal and administrative texts through local document libraries; and trained local resource persons to be involved in the establishment of democracy and human rights monitoring centres. The project responded to clearly existing information gaps and its relevance was enhanced by the fact that it sought to build the capacity of local officials and leaders to implement decentralization policies and other decision-making processes. It is a matter of concern, however, that the project did not include any lobbying component targeting the government itself, to address the language issue at policy level, which was the principal root cause for lack of relevant legal and administrative documentation.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Human rights and democracy campaign

The project was part of a well thought-out strategy on governance. The grantee used the project to transition from support to the development of national languages, to an approach based on democratization and the exercise of fundamental rights in development. The project effectively gave shape to this transition – a testimony to the excellent strategic thinking in the organization.
Project Partner
Association pour la Recherche et l'Education pour le Développement en
Project Description
Aiming to contribute to the emergence of responsible and aware citizens in four of Senegal’s regions, the project provided information on human rights and democracy in the country’s most common languages - Wolof and Pulaar. The project also aimed to ensure citizens access to legal and administrative texts through local document libraries; and trained local resource persons to be involved in the establishment of democracy and human rights monitoring centres. The project responded to clearly existing information gaps and its relevance was enhanced by the fact that it sought to build the capacity of local officials and leaders to implement decentralization policies and other decision-making processes. It is a matter of concern, however, that the project did not include any lobbying component targeting the government itself, to address the language issue at policy level, which was the principal root cause for lack of relevant legal and administrative documentation.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Learning and Living Democracy in Bosnia-Herzegovina

The project encouraged cross cultural cooperation and transcended ethnic lines. Putting together children from different ethnic backgrounds working on issues related to human rights had immediate effects on attitudes. All participants involved in project activities have experienced mindset change within their own communities and in schools because they were exposed to new ways of addressing human rights practices.
Project Partner
Democracy and Human Rights Education Center CIVITAS
Project Description
The project identified institutional educational weaknesses and proposed pragmatic approaches to address them. Overall the project was a success. The following elements contributed to the quality of the strategy: an appropriate response to the complex political and social context in the country drawn from the NGO‟s long time experience; a sound assessment of the political context based on long term partnership with education ministries in Bosnia and a good understanding of the targeted audience needs, based on the grantee’s experience of certifying teachers and their involvement in official curricula content design taught in all public schools.
Evaluation Date
September 2010

Lesson Learned: Rights and freedoms for all in Togo

Project implementation demonstrated that the grantee lacked human rights expertise. It is important to improve the expertise in this field to enable the grantee to develop a sound, rigorous strategy and credible message to Togo’s civil society and institutions.
Project Partner
Centre d'Observation et de Promotion de l'Etat de Droit
Project Description
The objective of the project was to promote democratic culture at all levels in society irrespective of social status, political, religious, ethnic or regional allegiance. Activities included awareness-raising of rural populations on the concept of democracy; training of local elites on participatory democracy, human rights and citizenship; information, education and communication to promote participation in the 2010 presidential elections and in local elections; and debates in secondary and high schools on democratic values and principles. While the grantee responded to a priority need in Togo for the development of a democratic culture, significant weaknesses in design and implementation limited the project’s relevance. Important stakeholders such as the judicial and law-enforcement sectors were not addressed by the project’s actions and there were months-long periods when very few activities were implemented.
Evaluation Date
September 2010