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Lesson Learned: Renforcement des capacités des journalistes et blogueurs arabes pour la promotion des droits de l’Homme

It should be noted that the project document demonstrated some weaknesses in the presentation of the intervention logic, to the extent that project results were conflated with objectives. The wording of the three outcomes was identical to that of the objectives.
Project Partner
Arab Institute for Human Rights
Project Description
The objective of the project was to reinforce the capacities of Arab citizen journalists and bloggers in relation to the promotion and protection of human rights. The project was relevant as a human rights education activity, to the extent it responded to the fact that the targeted bloggers and journalists were not always familiar with the human rights principles and the international procedures for the protection of human rights. The project activities led to the acquisition of new skills by the participants which contributed to changes in the way they have carried out their blogging and journalistic work after the training sessions. It is of course not clear that the participants’ work has influenced the wider public. However, comments posted by readers suggest that some of the participants were able to encourage tolerant attitudes among their readers, for example in relation to gender equality or in debates about democracy.
Evaluation Date
October 2014

Lesson Learned: Youth Action for Democracy (YAD) - Strengthening Democracy by Empowering Youth in Pakistan

There was very little hard data available for the evaluators’ use. The Final Narrative Report was not completed until more than a year after the project was finished and the report was completed by remaining grantee staff and youth district managers, primarily on recollection and what was in the midterm report. If the grantee recorded activity level data, this did not appear to have been systematically collected and aggregated or used for project management or monitoring purposes.
Project Partner
Youth Parliament of Pakistan
Project Description
The objective of the project was to increase the participation of youth in the democratic processes in Pakistan. The project was relevant as it started two years before the national election, which was expected to be the first time that a civilian government would hand over power to another civilian government through the ballot box. The project was also relevant to the need to strengthen the democratic awareness and understanding of the youth in Pakistan: youth form the majority of the population and in surveys less than a third thought that democracy was the best form of government. The project strategy was to form Youth Democracy Teams which would then organize meetings with other youth in the districts, and extending project reach through the use of theatre, print, broadcast, and social media. However the project was not properly documented and activities and outputs were not recorded so it is impossible to assess if the project had any impact.
Evaluation Date
May 2014

Lesson Learned: Raising Awareness about Women's Social, Political and Economic Rights in Afghanistan

The Project Document would suggest that the grantee was to take a strong role in the coordination of the project, as well as in management and monitoring of all activities. In practice, for the most part, the grantee contracted out responsibility for design and implementation of activities to its three partners, and that it played a minimal role in direct engagement with project activities, even where its specific role was explained in the Project Document.
Project Partner
Development and Public Awareness
Project Description
The project Raising Awareness about Women's Social, Political and Economic Rights in Afghanistan’s overall objective and outcomes were relevant to the development problem of women’s empowerment and facilitating a greater presence for women in public life. However, the evaluation concluded that the project was not implemented in full. While it appears to be the case that the radio and television roundtables planned for production and broadcast in the 15 target provinces did take place, other activities have been implemented in no more than six, and as few as three, of the provinces.
Evaluation Date
April 2014

Lesson Learned: Promoting Freedom of Information Activism at the Local Level in Brazil

One of the major problems the project encountered was in setting up and running the Citizens’ Help Center website so that it could serve as a platform for exchange among the focal points. The grantee sub contracted this work and the contractor failed to complete the work.
Project Partner
ARTICLE 19: Global Campaign for Free Expression
Project Description
The aim of the project was to promote the development of a more inclusive and equal society through promoting the free flow of information to the general public so that individuals, civil servants and civil society groups acting at the local level can hold their government to account, advocate for their rights and entitlements more effectively and influence policy-making processes. Specifically the project set out to foster local activism on freedom of information and to use access to information and transparency tools to strengthen participation within municipal governments across Brazil. The project strategy was built around four specific components: a strengthened and effective network of local activists working on access to information; increased public understanding of the importance of freedom of information and how to use the concept to encourage transparency and accountability; increased public demand for governments’ responsiveness to information requests at the local level; legislative and policy reform initiatives to promote transparency at the local level. The project was highly relevant since the Access to Public Information Act had recently come into effect. This Act required each municipality to draft regulations ensuring its proper enforcement. Yet surveys had indicated a lack of interest and knowledge in many municipalities about enforcing this law.
Evaluation Date
April 2014

Lesson Learned: Raising Awareness about Women's Social, Political and Economic Rights in Afghanistan

The project was poorly managed, and there was little apparent coordination among the partners in Afghanistan. Contracts were agreed between the grantee and two of its implementing partner yet management denied their existence, and no reference to them is made in project reports.
Project Partner
Development and Public Awareness
Project Description
The project Raising Awareness about Women's Social, Political and Economic Rights in Afghanistan’s overall objective and outcomes were relevant to the development problem of women’s empowerment and facilitating a greater presence for women in public life. However, the evaluation concluded that the project was not implemented in full. While it appears to be the case that the radio and television roundtables planned for production and broadcast in the 15 target provinces did take place, other activities have been implemented in no more than six, and as few as three, of the provinces.
Evaluation Date
April 2014

Lesson Learned: Promoting democratic and human rights values among Rwandan youth

A project team made up of the grantee’s Executive Director and the Project Director was responsible for project management, while relevant board members provided strategic direction. The team was widely appreciated by project participants and trainers for its willingness to engage with them and its pro-active approach to dealing with young people’s concerns and needs. The quality of project management was also visible in how the grantee dealt with the political sensitivity of the issues raised.
Project Partner
Never Again Rwanda
Project Description
The overall objective of the project was to empower Rwandan youth to play an active role in the democratic process and good governance of their country, and to understand and stand up for human rights to further nation-building processes. The project targeted 7,000 youth members of Never Again Rwanda (NAR) clubs and associations to make them “ambassadors of change”. The targeted youth were to “reach out” to other young people and the general public through “knowledge and skills sharing and advocacy initiatives and drives”. The key activities of the project were to: train youth on human rights and advocacy skills; hold debates and theatre shows on human rights and democracy; and support the trained youth to play a role in democratic processes and good governance. The project was generally well designed in that it took into account the sensitive socio-political context of Rwanda under its post-genocide government.
Evaluation Date
February 2014

Lesson Learned: Renforcement des capacités de formation en leadership pour renforcer la participation des femmes dans la vie publique (Algérie)

There were considerable delays in implementation which necessitated a project extension of eight months and a relocation of three of the four seminars to Tizi-Ouzou. Some of these delays were unavoidable however it cannot be argued that the fasting months of Ramadan in 2011 and 2012 were an acceptable excuse for inactivity. These should have been taken into account in the planning and time-tabling of events from the beginning.
Project Partner
Project Description
The project’s principal objective was to build the capacity of women who are involved in NGOs, trade unions and political parties so that they have the confidence to participate in governance, particularly in local bodies in Algeria. This was to be achieved through leadership training in eight districts for at least 500 women; and a series of four seminars on women’s role in public life for at least 300 women. While the project was relevant, it was only partly effective, not efficient and difficult to judge its impact and sustainability.
Evaluation Date
November 2013

Lesson Learned: Enhancing the Capacity for Inclusive Local Governance through Synergies and Sustainable Linkages between Communities and Government in North Afghanistan

A major deficiency in overall management rested with the centralization of decision-making by ACTED Kabul. The project design had a “generic” quality to it, and it is apparent that operations managers in the field had no input into decision-making, including work and expenditure planning. The weakness of two-way communications at this level reduced the opportunity for the project to learn from experience and adapt operational plans accordingly.
Project Partner
Project Description
Enhancing the Capacity for Inclusive Local Governance in Northern Afghanistan was generally effective as a training project, but its overall design was not well-aligned with the overall objectives specified. The project made a difference for the trainees who benefited from the course provided, but did not contribute much to the institutional results linked to enhancing inclusive local governance. The grantee was a well-known international NGO. This was strength in some ways, but may have been a weakness in others. The project design had a “generic” quality to it, suggesting a lack of attention to the specific needs in the project sites that were addressed. Further, the lack of engagement with the project by ACTED Kabul at a management level, along with the absence of decentralization of decision-making to the local level, undermined project effectiveness.
Evaluation Date
April 2013

Lesson Learned: Lao Encouraging and Applying Democracy for Civil Society (LEAD)

Low quality outputs and results were attributable to the absence of a locally based project manager in Laos. The lack of a local project management capacity put the project’s sustainability at risk.
Project Partner
Kenan Institute Asia
Project Description
The grantee hoped to empower Civil Society Organizations and community leaders in Lao PDR and, to give them the skills and knowledge to contribute meaningfully to the country’s development. The project involved training various levels of staff in Lao non-profit associations to ensure that they would be able to share the technical knowledge and practical skills needed to transform their organizations into professionally run civil society organizations. The long term goal of these interventions was to build the capacity of the non-profit associations so that were managed in a more business-oriented manner. The participants in the project were satisfied by the organization of project events. Many of them had never been involved in training that combined lectures with practical, hands-on activities.
Evaluation Date
September 2012

Lesson Learned: Enhancing the Functional Protection of Human Rights in Ethiopia

Although the international grantee was not permitted to set up office in country, the capacity building activities were effectively implemented. However, some project activities such as the training of trainers were not adequately followed up, and others such as the study visits were reported to have been insufficiently planned. The grantee’s project management could have helped by integrating the views of consultant trainers, and partners/beneficiaries. Regular project management review meetings with partners’ senior representatives could have served to take stock of activities and ensure follow-up.
Project Partner
International Development Law Organization
Project Description
The project aimed to develop the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) into a functional institution able to protect and enforce human rights in line with Ethiopian laws and international norms and standards. As the EHRC was a relatively young institution, the grantee did not only focus on the development of human rights protection skills, but prioritized in the project’s initial phase also the development of operational management capacity. The grantee could have adjusted the initial project plan to avoid overlap with activities already implemented under the Democratic Institutions Programme managed by UNDP. The relevance of the project was further limited by the grantee’s weak risk assessment and mitigation. The original design failed to appreciate the risks surrounding the project, most importantly the international grantee took permission to set up an office in Addis for granted which it then did not obtain. The project also appeared unprepared to address the challenging political environment in which the EHRC operated.
Evaluation Date
May 2012