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Lesson Learned: Developing alternative models of natural resource governance based on indigenous community participation in Aceh

Strategic weaknesses in the project’s design and needs assessment undermined the project’s relevance. The project did not capture the contextual information needed for project implementation and therefore the issues faced by Mukims were not adequately addressed during the design and implementation phases. As a consequence, activities were not related to priority issues.
Project Partner
Perkumpulan Prodeelat
Project Description
The project’s objective was to strengthen the capacities of selected local Mukim communities in the Aceh province of Indonesia. A Mukim is a subdivision of a subdistrict and comprise of a number of villages. The aim of the project was to develop, advocate for and implement an alternative model of natural resource governance that promotes the participation and protects the rights of local communities, fosters environmental sustainability, and advances the interests of vulnerable and marginalized populations. The grantee’s approach was inspired by alternative governance models previously implemented by other local Mukim communities. At the time of project implementation, the legal framework which recognizes the Mukims’s authority and asserts its rights to manage its natural resources under Aceh's Special Autonomy status was not yet enforced. As Mukims represent indigenous communities in Aceh, the intended strategy was suited to the need of enhancing the credibility of Mukims. The existing Mukim associations had not previouslyt been in district policy making since they lacked visions, skills, orientations and strategies to build equal relations with public and governmental authorities.
Evaluation Date
July 2016

Lesson Learned: Civic education and empowerment for more women in leadership, from villages to parliament in Fiji

As part of the capacity building process, at the end of the training session, each facilitator had to submit to the class a project proposal, including a selection of the topics more relevant for her own communities, including an action plan and a budget. This was a very practical approach that worked. The action plan was also a condition for the release of funds to start implementing workshops at the local level.
Project Partner
National Council of Women Fiji
Project Description
The project aimed to increase women’s representation in public office as part of wider support for women’s representation in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project strategy was structured around three expected outcomes: increased awareness and knowledge of civic education principles among potential women leaders in Fiji; increased capacity of potential women leaders for active participation in civil leadership within both parliament and administrative boards and councils in Fiji and increased awareness within the broader community of the importance of the involvement of women in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project had some success, in particular in training marginal women who are usually excluded from mainstream education and in working with church groups and political parties from across the political spectrum. Implementation, however, was marred by a number of administrative and management shortcomings including a lack of SMART indicators and irregular communication. In addition, the project encountered a number of external challenges including political tensions that generated delays in implementation and the tropical cyclone in February 2016 that left homeless ten thousands of people.
Evaluation Date
July 2016

Lesson Learned: Civic education and empowerment for more women in leadership, from villages to parliament in Fiji

One of the main project impacts was to get a significant number of women and the vulnerable population to go to vote. Rural women gained a better understanding of the importance of participating in the elections and young sex workers and street women who had never been involved in electoral events, got registered and went to vote.
Project Partner
National Council of Women Fiji
Project Description
The project aimed to increase women’s representation in public office as part of wider support for women’s representation in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project strategy was structured around three expected outcomes: increased awareness and knowledge of civic education principles among potential women leaders in Fiji; increased capacity of potential women leaders for active participation in civil leadership within both parliament and administrative boards and councils in Fiji and increased awareness within the broader community of the importance of the involvement of women in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project had some success, in particular in training marginal women who are usually excluded from mainstream education and in working with church groups and political parties from across the political spectrum. Implementation, however, was marred by a number of administrative and management shortcomings including a lack of SMART indicators and irregular communication. In addition, the project encountered a number of external challenges including political tensions that generated delays in implementation and the tropical cyclone in February 2016 that left homeless ten thousands of people.
Evaluation Date
July 2016

Lesson Learned: Civic education and empowerment for more women in leadership, from villages to parliament in Fiji

A large number of the vulnerable population benefited from the capacity building activities: one of the main strengths of the project was to make training facilities accessible by people who were usually excluded such as persons with disabilities, people living in remote areas and marginalized women including sex -workers. The training sessions involving the sex workers were particularly effective at providing learning that connected to the beneficiaries’ lives and motivated them to participate for the first time in the electoral process.
Project Partner
National Council of Women Fiji
Project Description
The project aimed to increase women’s representation in public office as part of wider support for women’s representation in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project strategy was structured around three expected outcomes: increased awareness and knowledge of civic education principles among potential women leaders in Fiji; increased capacity of potential women leaders for active participation in civil leadership within both parliament and administrative boards and councils in Fiji and increased awareness within the broader community of the importance of the involvement of women in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project had some success, in particular in training marginal women who are usually excluded from mainstream education and in working with church groups and political parties from across the political spectrum. Implementation, however, was marred by a number of administrative and management shortcomings including a lack of SMART indicators and irregular communication. In addition, the project encountered a number of external challenges including political tensions that generated delays in implementation and the tropical cyclone in February 2016 that left homeless ten thousands of people.
Evaluation Date
July 2016

Lesson Learned: Civic education and empowerment for more women in leadership, from villages to parliament in Fiji

The project was managed on a somewhat ad-hoc basis. The grantee was working with reduced human resources and there were weaknesses in the management capacity of the team. Lack of SMART key-indicators and, of a formal monitoring system was another problem. The grantee board members and project manager also had scarce and irregular contacts with the implementing organizations, a situation that jeopardizes achievement of expected outcomes and sustainability of the grantee’s goal of building a network.
Project Partner
National Council of Women Fiji
Project Description
The project aimed to increase women’s representation in public office as part of wider support for women’s representation in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project strategy was structured around three expected outcomes: increased awareness and knowledge of civic education principles among potential women leaders in Fiji; increased capacity of potential women leaders for active participation in civil leadership within both parliament and administrative boards and councils in Fiji and increased awareness within the broader community of the importance of the involvement of women in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project had some success, in particular in training marginal women who are usually excluded from mainstream education and in working with church groups and political parties from across the political spectrum. Implementation, however, was marred by a number of administrative and management shortcomings including a lack of SMART indicators and irregular communication. In addition, the project encountered a number of external challenges including political tensions that generated delays in implementation and the tropical cyclone in February 2016 that left homeless ten thousands of people.
Evaluation Date
July 2016

Lesson Learned: Civic education and empowerment for more women in leadership, from villages to parliament in Fiji

The project could have done more to ensure involvement of all the main political parties. While invitations were sent to the eight official parties, only two of them showed interest in participating in the trainings. More follow-up after the invitations would have been required to ensure involvement.
Project Partner
National Council of Women Fiji
Project Description
The project aimed to increase women’s representation in public office as part of wider support for women’s representation in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project strategy was structured around three expected outcomes: increased awareness and knowledge of civic education principles among potential women leaders in Fiji; increased capacity of potential women leaders for active participation in civil leadership within both parliament and administrative boards and councils in Fiji and increased awareness within the broader community of the importance of the involvement of women in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project had some success, in particular in training marginal women who are usually excluded from mainstream education and in working with church groups and political parties from across the political spectrum. Implementation, however, was marred by a number of administrative and management shortcomings including a lack of SMART indicators and irregular communication. In addition, the project encountered a number of external challenges including political tensions that generated delays in implementation and the tropical cyclone in February 2016 that left homeless ten thousands of people.
Evaluation Date
July 2016

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Youth, Minority and Women’s Organizations in Pakistan

Most CSOs interviewed appeared to have participated in only one or two project activities, so the actual extent of the training and district level workshop activities is uncertain. There appeared to be no follow up to the trainings or to the issues identified in district workshops/forums. The trainings themselves did not appear to have been delivered on the basis of need.
Project Partner
Chanan Development Association
Project Description
The project aimed to improve the understanding and capacity of 150 civil society organizations (CSOs) to mobilize youth, women and minority groups so that they could participate in democratic processes at the grassroots level in 25 districts. Its intended outcomes were: improved understanding among civil society on democracy and advocacy skills for good governance; and increased participation of youth, women and minorities and their organizations in democratic processes. The design was ambitious in geographic scope and in the number of CSO participants, especially for the level of funding. This limited the number of activities that each CSO could undertake because it spread the funding out between so many different organizations and locations. This resulted in a number of CSOs losing interest in the project. The project also did not tailor its activities to the different needs and context of the different districts and target groups. All of the above affected the project’s relevance.
Evaluation Date
June 2016

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Youth, Minority and Women’s Organizations in Pakistan

Only some partners seemed to have signed Memorandums of Understanding at the start of the project, and none reported having had regular project management meetings. Reliance on existing relationships with some focal points and CSOs also contributed to a level of informality that affected all aspects of the project and likely its conformance to the project document.
Project Partner
Chanan Development Association
Project Description
The project aimed to improve the understanding and capacity of 150 civil society organizations (CSOs) to mobilize youth, women and minority groups so that they could participate in democratic processes at the grassroots level in 25 districts. Its intended outcomes were: improved understanding among civil society on democracy and advocacy skills for good governance; and increased participation of youth, women and minorities and their organizations in democratic processes. The design was ambitious in geographic scope and in the number of CSO participants, especially for the level of funding. This limited the number of activities that each CSO could undertake because it spread the funding out between so many different organizations and locations. This resulted in a number of CSOs losing interest in the project. The project also did not tailor its activities to the different needs and context of the different districts and target groups. All of the above affected the project’s relevance.
Evaluation Date
June 2016

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Youth, Minority and Women’s Organizations in Pakistan

Project management, reporting, monitoring and evaluation systems were inadequate for a development project that required tracking results, monitoring implementation and reporting on performance so as to make sure that the project was within budget and able to make payments promptly.
Project Partner
Chanan Development Association
Project Description
The project aimed to improve the understanding and capacity of 150 civil society organizations (CSOs) to mobilize youth, women and minority groups so that they could participate in democratic processes at the grassroots level in 25 districts. Its intended outcomes were: improved understanding among civil society on democracy and advocacy skills for good governance; and increased participation of youth, women and minorities and their organizations in democratic processes. The design was ambitious in geographic scope and in the number of CSO participants, especially for the level of funding. This limited the number of activities that each CSO could undertake because it spread the funding out between so many different organizations and locations. This resulted in a number of CSOs losing interest in the project. The project also did not tailor its activities to the different needs and context of the different districts and target groups. All of the above affected the project’s relevance.
Evaluation Date
June 2016

Lesson Learned: Promotion of Women’s Empowerment and Rights in Somalia

Training materials focused only on upgrading the CSOs’ skills in governance, leadership and gender mainstreaming within their organizations. Advocacy was the only element of the project that looked beyond the organizations to wider political frameworks such as to national and local authorities. This seems to have been something of a missed opportunity; some specific training on, for example, media relations and campaigning might also have been useful.
Project Partner
Centre for Education and Development
Project Description
To increase representation and participation of women in social, economic and political activities in Somalia, the project focused on training and providing support to 20 CSO partners, through mentoring, exchanges, and networking. Grassroots awareness was raised through the CSOs and via the media, as well as through a series of school debates. Advocacy targeting regional and national officials was carried out through meetings and the development of regional and national strategies on women’s empowerment. A final component of the project tested the new capacity of these CSOs, by awarding 10 USD2,000 grants to CSOs which submitted the most innovative projects on women’s empowerment. The project was well designed, with a number of components that helped it both to empower women in the 20 participating CSOs and beyond. It was also timely, given discussions on a new Constitution and elections announced for 2016. The actions planned were carried out and met their targets. There were no superfluous components in the project; each was designed to add value to other parts of the project.
Evaluation Date
June 2016