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Lesson Learned: Enhancing Women's Political Participation in Eswatini

The project experience underscored the importance of establishing clear and consistent beneficiary selection criteria in project activities from the outset. In this case, project stakeholders were responsible for selecting beneficiaries at the community level without clear guidance on the selection criteria from the grantee. As a result, some beneficiaries were included without the necessary qualifications, leading to difficulties in actively participating in trainings and effectively fulfilling their roles in the project.

Project Partner
Women and Law in Southern Africa - Eswatini
Project Description

The project seeks to enhance the gender responsiveness of policies and practices in the electoral process in Eswatini by assisting stakeholders to develop gender responsive guidelines and educating citizens on the importance of women’s political participation, while empowering the female electorate with leadership skills, campaign and mobilization strategies. The project seeks to impart a long-term effect by enabling community-based paralegals to conduct gender equality sensitization talks at community level. Project activities will incorporate actions in response to the Covid-19 crisis, as it impacts women, including gender-based violence as well as social and economic pressures.

Evaluation Date
August 2024

Lesson Learned: Helping Teenagers to Transform their Communities in Ukraine

Simplicity is key: design simple yet clear guidelines for all competition stages and provide extensive training to all teenage and adult beneficiaries early in the project if they design a progressive competition.
Project Description
The project aims to foster civic participation of young people in Ukraine by training them to become responsible and pro-active citizens. The central activity of the project is a non-formal civic education training program in four stages that will train teenagers to become "Junior Agents of Change" in four pilot cities. Trained Junior Agents of Change will implement development projects aiming for the transformation of their social environment and the development of their communities.
Evaluation Date
September 2020

Lesson Learned: Expanding and Fortifying Local Democracy through the People’s Council in the Philippines

The objective of the small grants disbursed by the projects was to build local ownership of the People’s Councils. The desired result was accomplished in only a very few cases. Insufficient attention was given to preparing and enforcing guidelines on the grants and how they were to be used and reported on.
Project Partner
Naga city people's council
Project Description
The project had the overall development goal of facilitating the recognition and replication of the Peoples Council in the country as a democratization mechanism in local governance. The immediate project objective was to establish, expand and institutionalize the Peoples Council in 21 barangays in the city and six municipalities in the Metro Naga area. In Naga City, the People’s Council proved itself as an effective mechanism for public participation, particularly for representatives of poor and other vulnerable groups. The project’s initiative to replicate the success of the Naga City People’s council was a relevant contribution to the broader aim of enhancing local democracy in the Philippines. The project had mixed success in achieving its targets and encountered some major disappointments in reaching the goal of institutionalizing the People’s Council in the 27 target local government areas. However, the People’s Councils were officially recognized in the case of four of the six municipal people’s councils, but only in five of the 21 barangay people’s councils. Despite this, grantee cannot be faulted on its effort to achieve the project goals, and, given the scope of what the project sought to achieve, a great deal was accomplished.
Evaluation Date
January 2016