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Lesson Learned: Strengthening Dialogue for Community Decision-Making

Due to a focus on pre-existing radio listeners’ clubs, the project lost an opportunity to establish new clubs where needed. Concentrating on existing clubs, hampered dialogue between local political and communities representing particularly vulnerable and marginalized groups.

Project Partner
Radio Canal Revelation
Project Description
The objective of the project was to involve grassroots communities with democratization processes across the Ituri District in the Province Orientale of the Democratic Republic of Congo. To achieve this, the grantee planned to strengthen the capacity of radio listeners’ clubs through training and practical support; to organize community debates using the radio listeners’ clubs; to produce radio broadcasts based on the community debates and on roundtable meetings between communities and officials; and to produce a range of news and educational broadcasts. The project provided local communities with knowledge they could use to convey their concerns to the authorities. It encouraged dialogue by inviting local political leaders to debate with communities and members of radio listeners’ clubs. The various elements of the project formed a well thought-out and organic whole, which was able to foster positive changes at community level. The focus on women’s participation in democratic debates was also relevant, and connected to the emphasis on access to broadcast news.
Evaluation Date
June 2013

Lesson Learned: Enlarging the Social Base for Democracy and the Rule of Law in Egypt

Because of strong and inclusive design and effective facilitation, at the workshop level, even groups comprised of very diverse and sometimes deeply opposed political interests were able to learn and work together. This project demonstrated that in Egypt a politically inclusive approach at the grass-roots level can succeed.
Project Partner
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
Project Description
The context of the project was the period of intense political activity and instability in Egypt following the 2011 revolution. Within a highly volatile environment that included repression of civil society organisations and democracy advocates, the project gave special emphasis to training in the use of social media to stimulate citizen journalism and free exchange of thoughts. Overall the project was relevant in view of the focus on youth which was well supported by baseline assessments that identified low youth participation in democratic processes. It was also important in view of the overall political environment leading up to elections during the time of the project implementation. The focus on social media was also relevant and effective given the role it had played as a catalyst of the Arab Spring.
Evaluation Date
April 2013

Lesson Learned: Active democracy and political participation of tribal communities in the Indian Himalayas

A principal reason for the project’s impact was the coherence between training/education, bridging processes and mobilization of stakeholder groups and community structures such as Resource Centres to support them. Training, education and sensitization will are more effective if there are processes or structures in place that can contribute to transforming them into practical outcomes.
Project Partner
Project Description
The project’s principal objectives were to enhance civic participation among Himalayan tribes and empower marginalized groups (women, people with disabilities and nomads); and to engage with governance issues and democratic dialogue. To this end, the project aimed to build a supportive environment for enhanced democratic participation through supporting state and non-state actors. The project consisted of 10 core components creating a continuum of involvement from awareness of rights to access to those rights, supported by the training and mobilization of relevant support actors and those who could make the rights a reality. The project design was logical and very much tuned to the needs of the beneficiaries and other stakeholders in this challenging region. There were no delays in project delivery, since it had been designed with the seasonal obstacles relevant to the target region in mind.
Evaluation Date
October 2012

Lesson Learned: Education and Training of Youth for Democracy in Burkina Faso

There was evidence that the project implicitly contributed to the reestablishment of a social contract between authorities and citizens, enabling young leaders and many institutional actors - such as political representatives and local authorities - to exchange views and opinions.
Project Partner
Réseau Afrique Jeunesse
Project Description
The project aimed to mobilize youth to participate in the presidential election, by reinforcing citizens’ and voters’ knowledge. The beneficiaries were young leaders of women’s and men’s associations from across Burkina Faso, aged 18 – 25, who were involved in and committed to civil society specific activities for the youth. Activities focused on education, training and sensitization and, subsequently, on the development of a group of young leaders that can relay information and training knowledge to members of youth organisations and to the youth of their villages. The project was firmly rooted in the socio-political and cultural context of Burkina Faso. The lack of participation of young citizens in successive elections is intrinsically linked with the lack of education, in particular citizens’ and voters’ education. In the context of a still male-dominated country, the identification of beneficiaries comprising both young men and women was also appropriate to address the political participation of women. The project was also coherent in that it covered the pre-electoral, electoral and post electoral periods.
Evaluation Date
June 2012

Lesson Learned: Educating Rural Women in Haiti for Democratic Citizenship

One of the most positive aspects of the project was its implementation in remote marginalized rural settings of Haiti. A real success was the emergence of women leaders and future candidates from sectors of the communes that were so deprived that at the time of project launch no services were in place and there had been no civic education for women democratic action.
Project Partner
Association Femmes Soleil d"Haiti
Project Description
The project objective was to strengthen the citizenship and democratic skills of women. With virtually no access to civic information and limited opportunities for women to participate in political life including access to positions that involve decision-making, especially in rural areas, the grantee aimed to raise awareness among local authorities and strategic civil society organizations in Haiti, so they would become more engaged in promoting a culture that recognizes the role of women in society, fostering in women and men alike a new perspective on their political participation. The project was implemented in twenty rural communes, notably in very remote, virtually ignored sections of Haiti, which lacked basic, educational and health services. With regards to its objective, the project was fully aligned with current government priorities, and in the context of elections, it recognized the need for women to participate fully in the electoral process, as well as in political affairs and to become aware of their civil rights and rights as citizens.
Evaluation Date
March 2012

Lesson Learned: Enhancing Dialogue for Inclusive Constitution

The grantee focused on the empowerment of marginalized groups. The main project output – the alternative constitution – was drafted without including country's dominant political parties. This weakened the chances of the project to establish a lasting effect on Nepal’s constitutional drafting process.
Project Partner
National Coalition Against Racial Discrimination
Project Description
This project aimed to improve the situation of Nepal's historically marginalized and indigenous Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi groups. The project was undertaken to correspond with the schedule of the country's Constituent Assembly (CA), which was entrusted with the development of a new constitution for Nepal. It developed coalitions among the country's marginalized groups, in order to increase receptiveness of political parties to Dalit and indigenous issues and to reflect them in the new constitution. The grantee made a deliberate effort to provide the marginalized group representatives and those involved in the drafting of the constitution high quality information about issues related to constitutional processes and examples of federalist practice in other countries. Although the Constituent Assembly dissolved without completing its mission, the extent to which the alternative constitution, the project's central output, has contributed to preliminary constitutional drafts of the Constituent Assembly‘s thematic committees demonstrate the project's impact.
Evaluation Date
February 2012

Lesson Learned: Citizenship is my Right

The project created opportunities for young people from different groups to get to know each other through cultural and sporting events suggested by the young people themselves. These experiences have helped them appreciate the concepts of integration and acceptance of others and enabled them to understand the importance and benefits of engaging with each other, deliberating and working together, forging friendly ties between neighbouring villages, and breaking social, religious, and community taboos.
Project Partner
Mouvement Social
Project Description
This project aimed to promote democratic participation in local government decision-making by creating Municipal Youth Councils. Designed to encourage young people to gain self-confidence and trust one another the project focused on civic education for local leaders; the creation of Municipal Youth Councils in the targeted villages; and the development of group and individual employment and social projects addressing the social and economic needs of the villages. There project was coherent and relevant. The skills and knowledge from the training were applied to concrete activities that fostered changes in the young people’s behaviour and their effective participation in decision-making.
Evaluation Date
January 2012

Lesson Learned: Strengthening the capacities of Magistrates

The project’s overall conceptual framework did not properly connect the goal of re-establishing citizens’ trust in justice in Niger with the actual activities carried out since the activities were focused only on the magistrates themselves and not the wider population or local or traditional leaders.
Project Partner
Syndicat Autonome des Magistrats du Niger
Project Description
The project organized training for judges and activities to create discussion among magistrates on the adoption of the Ethical and Deontological Code in Niger. The project objectives were: to improve the capacity of investigating judges, prosecuting attorneys and state prosecutors to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance; to increase the magistracy body’s knowledge of the Ethical and Deontological Code’s principles; and to establish a network of specialised judges to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance. These thematic areas, such as the fight against economic and financial crimes and the raising of moral standards among the magistracy, were relevant for the country in terms of building judicial transparency. While the training and awareness-raising activities aimed to improve the functioning of justice and at improving ethics, the project’s design was not based on a thorough screening of available information about the main issues faced by judges, and also lacked a clear methodological approach.
Evaluation Date
July 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Citizenship and Consolidation of Democracy in Chad

The project's strategy was built around the preparation of a conceptual, methodological and operational framework in a participative manner with the target groups. It integrated three main priorities: functional literacy and awareness-raising; improvement of the conditions of women; and community participation at the local level. The choice to address the literacy issue within marginal populations of Chad was particularly appropriate raise citizen awareness among the target groups.
Project Partner
Fondation pour la Démocratie et le Développement
Project Description
The project’s objective was to build the capacity at the grassroots level regarding democracy. This objective was pursued through training the population about citizen rights and freedoms, including establishing a permanent observatory for national and local electoral consultations, and the communication of information supporting the construction of a democratic state. The intervention directly targeted vulnerable groups, farmers (both women and men); and on a wider level also reached out to development actors, trainers of trainers and local facilitators; and employees of local, administrative and communal authorities. The project aimed to provide appropriate responses to the needs and difficulties faced by target beneficiary groups - women and vulnerable groups who were unable to take part in the electoral process. The method and the content of the training sessions as well as the message communicated via the educational media adopted were consistent with the project's objectives. It was also in line with the priorities set out in the country’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.
Evaluation Date
February 2011

Lesson Learned: Rights and freedoms for all in Togo

The project did not sufficiently focus on Togo’s institutional stakeholders. The project’s target groups were all civil society members or local political leaders. None represented the law enforcement or judicial sectors, which are key actors in relation to human rights, freedom and democracy.
Project Partner
Centre d'Observation et de Promotion de l'Etat de Droit
Project Description
The objective of the project was to promote democratic culture at all levels in society irrespective of social status, political, religious, ethnic or regional allegiance. Activities included awareness-raising of rural populations on the concept of democracy; training of local elites on participatory democracy, human rights and citizenship; information, education and communication to promote participation in the 2010 presidential elections and in local elections; and debates in secondary and high schools on democratic values and principles. While the grantee responded to a priority need in Togo for the development of a democratic culture, significant weaknesses in design and implementation limited the project’s relevance. Important stakeholders such as the judicial and law-enforcement sectors were not addressed by the project’s actions and there were months-long periods when very few activities were implemented.
Evaluation Date
September 2010