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Lesson Learned: Enhancing Women's Political Participation in Eswatini

A multi-level approach that engages stakeholders from the grassroots level to the institutional level ensures consistency and has a higher chance of success in enhancing women’s political participation. In this case, the project engaged rural communities, traditional leaders, electoral management bodies, public institutions, and the government. This comprehensive engagement enabled a concerted effort to enhance women’s political participation in the subsequent elections.

Project Partner
Women and Law in Southern Africa - Eswatini
Project Description

The project seeks to enhance the gender responsiveness of policies and practices in the electoral process in Eswatini by assisting stakeholders to develop gender responsive guidelines and educating citizens on the importance of women’s political participation, while empowering the female electorate with leadership skills, campaign and mobilization strategies. The project seeks to impart a long-term effect by enabling community-based paralegals to conduct gender equality sensitization talks at community level. Project activities will incorporate actions in response to the Covid-19 crisis, as it impacts women, including gender-based violence as well as social and economic pressures.

Evaluation Date
August 2024

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Arts as an Action to Stand up for Women´s Rights in Nicaragua

Art and theatre can be innovative tools for mobilizing popular opinion and can contribute to a change in attitudes. Using art and theatre has also strengthened the capacity and visibility of the grantee in particular its ability to organize. Theatre productions and performances empowered the participants - not just in terms of artistic skills – but also enhanced their knowledge of their rights and confidence to claim them. The theatre groups used this opportunity to strengthen their relationship with civil society actors and local government entities.
Project Partner
Movimiento de Teatro Popular Sin Fronteras
Project Description
The project aimed to protect and promote women´s rights using the arts to communicate messages and to raise awareness of the challenges women are facing in protecting and promoting their rights, in spite of the existence of the Law on Violence Against Women (Law 779). The strategy of the project was built around two components: capacity building and awareness raising measures including theatre production and artistic expression; and preventive actions to solve key problems linked to the implementation of Law 779. The project was relevant, as it was carried out at a time of polarization and controversy over the passing of Law no. 779 on Violence against Women (2012) and the reform of this law in 2013. With the aim of making the issue visible, the project relied on promoting collaboration and alliances and mobilizing women’s organizations, civil society actors and local authorities.
Evaluation Date
January 2016

Lesson Learned: MDG Unions: Building Participatory Democracy From the Bottom Up in Rural Bangladesh

The grantee presented data, which demonstrated an increasing presence of women advocating gender- and youth-specific concerns in the Ward Shavas. There is also quantitative and qualitative evidence of enhanced local government accountability and service delivery. In addition, volunteer animators, civil society group representatives and self-help group members, with whom evaluators have met, continue to mobilise local community members to participate in local governance, and to hold local decision makers accountable. Interaction among local Bangladesh government, Union Parishad representatives, and all segments of the local population worked and changed the way in which local governments make their annual budget planning choices.

Project Partner
The Hunger Project (THP) - Bangladesh
Project Description
The project improved the awareness of Union Parishad (UP, local government) decision makers about participatory democracy and their attitudes towards basic human rights. It also established participation mechanisms for the local population (Ward Shavas) and groups (Standing Committees) representing their interests. The visibly high degree of commitment among UP chairs to advocate for decentralization impressed the evaluators. Trainee assessments evidenced successful clarification of the roles and responsibilities of Standing Committee members. Ward Shavas not only provided grass-roots input to the annual budget and the five-year planning process, but led also to the posting of citizen charter displays in all ten Unions supported by the project. Given this success, it will be appropriate to investigate long-term options introducing enhanced cooperation in local governance to a wider circle of beneficiaries. For such purpose it would be necessary to improve the existing qualitative evidence of case studies of the project beneficiaries’ achievements, and to actively disseminate it to facilitate efficient replication for the benefit of sustainability elsewhere.
Evaluation Date
May 2015

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Women’s Leadership in Jamaica

The grantee had difficulty recruiting project staff because of the low salary levels and because it under-estimated the level of effort which it would take to mobilize the women outside of Kingston. This delayed implementation of some activities and required a three month no-cost time extension.
Project Partner
Women's Resource and Outreach Centre
Project Description
The project aimed to address the under representation of women in decision making positions in Jamaica, particularly on the boards of private companies and public commissions. The project did this by: increasing the participation of women through training and awareness building and increasing the participation of women in leadership in community based organizations, including school boards, also through training and awareness building. It also sought to create a national conversation on the need to open spaces for women to participate in decision making. There was also a separate women’s leadership research activity undertaken in Trinidad and Tobago. Although women comprise more than 70% of university graduates in Jamaica, only 13% of parliamentarians are women and only 16% of the board positions in the private sector are filled by women. The project believed that by training 100 women it could make a strategic infusion of talented and enthusiastic women into the boardrooms, and transform their gender dynamics. The project met its main objective of increasing the number of qualified women trained and available for service on public commissions and private sector boards. Some of these women were already high profile leaders and board members, but most were entry and mid-professional women with leadership potential that still remained to be tapped.
Evaluation Date
September 2011

Lesson Learned: Empowering Civil Society and Women to Engage in Policy Processes

The project led to greater representation of women in decision making processes in the geographic areas covered by the project. The Women's Network in the municipalities contributed to enhancing participation and also played a role in setting a municipal policy agenda and carrying out social audits. The project also succeeded in mobilizing community based organizations and women's networks in extremely challenging socio-economic conditions of exclusion and extreme.
Project Partner
Oxfam Great Britain
Project Description
The project’s objective was to promote a new socio-political culture in Honduras that recognizes equal participation of women in democratic governance at the local, regional and national levels. The project prioritized women in rural living in extreme poverty. The target women had very few educational opportunities and had rarely participated in politics and in decision-making. The goal of the project was: to raise awareness among citizens on the importance of full and equal women's participation in decision-making processes and equal access to justice; to strengthen the capacity of Civil Society Organisations to influence policy processes; and to institutionalize a Women’s Network at the local level. The project explicitly aimed to integrate the gender approach across all three outcomes.
Evaluation Date
August 2011