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Community activism


Lesson Learned: Strengthening Citizenship and Consolidation of Democracy in Chad

The project mobilised very well qualified staff to implement activities. However, a large number of these personnel worked on a volunteer basis and this had a detrimental impact on the quality of the output. The insufficient number of personnel available had also a negative impact on the effective monitoring of the project implementation.
Project Partner
Fondation pour la Démocratie et le Développement
Project Description
The project’s objective was to build the capacity at the grassroots level regarding democracy. This objective was pursued through training the population about citizen rights and freedoms, including establishing a permanent observatory for national and local electoral consultations, and the communication of information supporting the construction of a democratic state. The intervention directly targeted vulnerable groups, farmers (both women and men); and on a wider level also reached out to development actors, trainers of trainers and local facilitators; and employees of local, administrative and communal authorities. The project aimed to provide appropriate responses to the needs and difficulties faced by target beneficiary groups - women and vulnerable groups who were unable to take part in the electoral process. The method and the content of the training sessions as well as the message communicated via the educational media adopted were consistent with the project's objectives. It was also in line with the priorities set out in the country’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.
Evaluation Date
February 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Citizenship and Consolidation of Democracy in Chad

There were recurrent problems with organizing the permanent observatory for national and local electoral consultations proposed by the project as different stakeholders could not agree on key elements of the observatory. This outcome was too ambitious in relation to the operational capacity and staff involved with managing the project.
Project Partner
Fondation pour la Démocratie et le Développement
Project Description
The project’s objective was to build the capacity at the grassroots level regarding democracy. This objective was pursued through training the population about citizen rights and freedoms, including establishing a permanent observatory for national and local electoral consultations, and the communication of information supporting the construction of a democratic state. The intervention directly targeted vulnerable groups, farmers (both women and men); and on a wider level also reached out to development actors, trainers of trainers and local facilitators; and employees of local, administrative and communal authorities. The project aimed to provide appropriate responses to the needs and difficulties faced by target beneficiary groups - women and vulnerable groups who were unable to take part in the electoral process. The method and the content of the training sessions as well as the message communicated via the educational media adopted were consistent with the project's objectives. It was also in line with the priorities set out in the country’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.
Evaluation Date
February 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Citizenship and Consolidation of Democracy in Chad

In any future projects of this type, youth must also be integrated as a beneficiary group. The involvement of young people in project activities could contribute to a further strengthening of the gender dimension and complementing the existing focus of the project on women.
Project Partner
Fondation pour la Démocratie et le Développement
Project Description
The project’s objective was to build the capacity at the grassroots level regarding democracy. This objective was pursued through training the population about citizen rights and freedoms, including establishing a permanent observatory for national and local electoral consultations, and the communication of information supporting the construction of a democratic state. The intervention directly targeted vulnerable groups, farmers (both women and men); and on a wider level also reached out to development actors, trainers of trainers and local facilitators; and employees of local, administrative and communal authorities. The project aimed to provide appropriate responses to the needs and difficulties faced by target beneficiary groups - women and vulnerable groups who were unable to take part in the electoral process. The method and the content of the training sessions as well as the message communicated via the educational media adopted were consistent with the project's objectives. It was also in line with the priorities set out in the country’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.
Evaluation Date
February 2011

Lesson Learned: Panchayati Raj Institution Action for Community Development

The project mainly addressed social issues through women’s federations, which were recently founded in Haryana and Uttarakhand States in India. The federations provided opportunities for women from several Panchayats to share and exchange ideas on how to solve pressing local issues related to domestic violence, health and education. Former project staff - on a voluntary basis – are still involved as facilitators in the federation process.
Project Partner
Humana People to People - India
Project Description
The project aimed to support elected members of selected village councils in Haryana and Uttarakhand States - especially women - , to fulfill their roles: planning and implementing village public works and their maintenance; local social and welfare activities; and contributing to community harmony and social justice. The findings from the baseline survey were considered for inclusion in the project plans to ensure that the reasons preventing women village council members executing their functions were addressed. The integration of both elected council members and Self-Help Group members into a single target group enhanced the project's focus on social and developmental community issues. The project achieved its long-term objective to increase the participation of women in local decision-making processes. Elected council members confirmed that they understood their rights and obligations to contribute to the improvement of local democracy. Anecdotal evidence suggests that women were empowered and that they have begun to intervene openly and more frequently during village council meetings.
Evaluation Date
January 2011

Lesson Learned: Panchayati Raj Institution Action for Community Development

Local staff were unfamiliar with the baseline survey methodology, since the analysis of collected baseline data failed to make a gender distinction despite the project's focus on elected women village council members. A second survey to determine the project's outcome has not been carried out. The assessment of the project's impact would have been more reliable had an end-of-project survey been implemented.


Project Partner
Humana People to People - India
Project Description
The project aimed to support elected members of selected village councils in Haryana and Uttarakhand States - especially women - , to fulfill their roles: planning and implementing village public works and their maintenance; local social and welfare activities; and contributing to community harmony and social justice. The findings from the baseline survey were considered for inclusion in the project plans to ensure that the reasons preventing women village council members executing their functions were addressed. The integration of both elected council members and Self-Help Group members into a single target group enhanced the project's focus on social and developmental community issues. The project achieved its long-term objective to increase the participation of women in local decision-making processes. Elected council members confirmed that they understood their rights and obligations to contribute to the improvement of local democracy. Anecdotal evidence suggests that women were empowered and that they have begun to intervene openly and more frequently during village council meetings.
Evaluation Date
January 2011

Lesson Learned: Panchayati Raj Institution Action for Community Development

The grantee phased out its operations in one of the two supported districts without a clear exit strategy. The grantee abandoned its presence in Nainital district shortly after the establishment of the federation, withdrawing leading key personnel and equipment. This jeopardized the project’s sustainability.
Project Partner
Humana People to People - India
Project Description
The project aimed to support elected members of selected village councils in Haryana and Uttarakhand States - especially women - , to fulfill their roles: planning and implementing village public works and their maintenance; local social and welfare activities; and contributing to community harmony and social justice. The findings from the baseline survey were considered for inclusion in the project plans to ensure that the reasons preventing women village council members executing their functions were addressed. The integration of both elected council members and Self-Help Group members into a single target group enhanced the project's focus on social and developmental community issues. The project achieved its long-term objective to increase the participation of women in local decision-making processes. Elected council members confirmed that they understood their rights and obligations to contribute to the improvement of local democracy. Anecdotal evidence suggests that women were empowered and that they have begun to intervene openly and more frequently during village council meetings.
Evaluation Date
January 2011

Lesson Learned: Panchayati Raj Institution Action for Community Development

The grantee required its project teams to adhere to a single project plan while implementing the project in different local circumstances. For example, the scheduled elections which took place in the state of Haryana, India were not addressed in the project plan.
Project Partner
Humana People to People - India
Project Description
The project aimed to support elected members of selected village councils in Haryana and Uttarakhand States - especially women - , to fulfill their roles: planning and implementing village public works and their maintenance; local social and welfare activities; and contributing to community harmony and social justice. The findings from the baseline survey were considered for inclusion in the project plans to ensure that the reasons preventing women village council members executing their functions were addressed. The integration of both elected council members and Self-Help Group members into a single target group enhanced the project's focus on social and developmental community issues. The project achieved its long-term objective to increase the participation of women in local decision-making processes. Elected council members confirmed that they understood their rights and obligations to contribute to the improvement of local democracy. Anecdotal evidence suggests that women were empowered and that they have begun to intervene openly and more frequently during village council meetings.
Evaluation Date
January 2011

Lesson Learned: Engaging Civil Society in a Democratic Election Process in Sudan, Bahrain, Tunisia and Jordan

In some countries, working to promote democracy, community activists may often find themselves operating in difficult circumstances. However trying to circumvent procedures can be counter-productive. The expedient of sending trainers to one country on tourist visas when work visas were denied - placed the trainers, the trainees and the grantee at risk. When working in difficult environments, do not engage in practices that may put community activists, the grantee or other project participants at risk.
Project Partner
Al Kawakibi Democracy Transition Centre
Project Description
The project aimed to strengthen electoral processes by focusing on election monitoring by independent civil society organizations. The project established a regional expert group on elections monitoring, carried out training sessions and provided election monitoring services. In Tunisia, the group established – the Arab Working Group on Elections Monitoring - carried out a limited number of trainings in the four countries, and engaged in elections monitoring in Tunisia. Because of some political challenges, not all of the activities planned in Bahrain, Sudan, and Jordan, were undertaken. In general, training and monitoring focused more on the quantity than the quality of monitoring, a strategy that can be defended but may pose problems for longer terms sustainability.
Evaluation Date
January 2011

Lesson Learned: Training citizens on law and on institutional dialogue in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The grantee’s long-term engagement with the police and the judiciary in the Democratic Republic of Congo contributed to the project’s success, as it helped to overcome resistance to activities such as human rights awareness raising campaigns in police and military camps, and the organization of open days in courts.
Project Partner
RCN Justice & Démocratie
Project Description
The project aimed to enhance the legitimacy of the judicial system in order to reinforce democratic processes in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Specifically, the project was designed to improve the legal knowledge and sense of responsibility on the part of civil society actors by raising awareness of human rights among citizens and by improving trust between citizens and judicial institutions, as well as better liaison between judicial actors and civil society. The beneficiaries included the population of two municipalities in suburban Kinshasa, as well as families of military and police personnel housed in camps in the area; police officers, prosecutors and judges; and a group of trained NGO resource persons. The project was based on a sound strategy, which identified explicitly the institutional weaknesses that were to be addressed, and proposed realistic steps to address them. The training sessions for NGO resource persons and the seminars bringing together civil society, police and members of the judiciary were implemented to a particularly high standard, as they were both innovative in their field, and carried out with appropriate levels of skills and monitoring.
Evaluation Date
January 2011

Lesson Learned: Training citizens on law and on institutional dialogue in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The grantee’s track record in the Democratic Republic of Congo, its track record with senior levels of the police and judiciary, as well as with internationally supported police reform institutions in the country, helped ensure that the project was consistent with the internationally supported Security Sector Reform agenda, which was endorsed officially by the central government.
Project Partner
RCN Justice & Démocratie
Project Description
The project aimed to enhance the legitimacy of the judicial system in order to reinforce democratic processes in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Specifically, the project was designed to improve the legal knowledge and sense of responsibility on the part of civil society actors by raising awareness of human rights among citizens and by improving trust between citizens and judicial institutions, as well as better liaison between judicial actors and civil society. The beneficiaries included the population of two municipalities in suburban Kinshasa, as well as families of military and police personnel housed in camps in the area; police officers, prosecutors and judges; and a group of trained NGO resource persons. The project was based on a sound strategy, which identified explicitly the institutional weaknesses that were to be addressed, and proposed realistic steps to address them. The training sessions for NGO resource persons and the seminars bringing together civil society, police and members of the judiciary were implemented to a particularly high standard, as they were both innovative in their field, and carried out with appropriate levels of skills and monitoring.
Evaluation Date
January 2011