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Lesson Learned: Strengthening CSO Engagement with Defence Institutions to Reduce Corruption and Strengthen Accountability in Mali

Primary victims of conflict and insecurity in post-conflict and fragile states are often located far away from capital cities - where decision-making and consultation processes are centralised – and their voices are too often overlooked. There was an appetite amongst both Civil Society Organisations and uniformed personnel to take part in joint focus group discussions, and there was a constructive dialogue around improving communication between civil society and defense and security forces at the local level
Project Partner
Transparency International UK
Project Description
The project was implemented by Transparency International – Defense and Security (as Implementing Agency) and the Cercle de Réflexion et d’Information pour la Consolidation de la Démocratie au Mali (CRI-2002, as Implementing Partner), from April 2018 to December 2019. The project benefited from a UNDEF grant of USD 187,000 and sought to reduce the risk of corruption in the Malian defense and security sector. It included a mix of capacity-building, advocacy and research work in order to build civil society’s ability to advocate for accountability and transparency in the defense sector, and to open a space for them to do so. Strengthening links between civil society and defense institutions and the democratic bodies charged with oversight of defense was an integral part of the approach.
Evaluation Date
February 2021

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Young Women’s Civic Participation and Leadership in Uganda

Although the project partnered with universities in rural areas most activities were implemented from Kampala. Sixty three per cent of the project beneficiaries interviewed expressed an urgent need to reach more young women in rural areas of Uganda where the implementation of affirmative action is very limited. The project could have had a more significant impact if interventions had been stronger in rural areas.

Project Partner
Century Entrepreneurship Development Agency
Project Description
The project’s objective was to strengthen the political leadership capacity of 1,500 young women from 10 public and private universities based in five districts of Uganda. The grantee aimed to increase awareness among the project’s target group and to provide them with access to information about women’s political life, as well as civic, voting, electoral and democratic processes. This was expected to enhance the leadership capacities of the young women to participate in the March 2016 general elections. Following these elections, an additional component was included in order to create a platform for leadership development of young women in Uganda. Although women’s political advancement at the time of project implementation was a national priority, the actual implementation of related international, regional and national legal and policy commitments remained an important challenge. This was due to persisting socio-cultural factors, such as the high illiteracy rate among youth and girls, lack of access to appropriate information related to political, human and civic rights, early marriage and sexual and gender based violence. While highly relevant in this respect, the project did not address the significant risk of SGBV that young women are exposed to because of their interest in political participation.
Evaluation Date
May 2017

Lesson Learned: Supporting local democratic governance in the mining regions of northern Upper Guinea

The project methodology took into account the participants’ needs and adapted activities to address them. The project also took place during the Ebola health crisis in Guinea and the grantee was able to adapt to address the crisis, for example by persuading elected officials in the target communities get more involved in the fight against the virus. The project shifted its focus to raise awareness among vulnerable citizens so that they were more engaged in working with the state and development partners to combat the virus.
Project Partner
Centre d'Appui pour le Developpement Economique et Social
Project Description
The project’s overall objective was to strengthen local democratic governance in mining regions in northern Upper Guinea in order to promote socio-economic development. Specifically the project aimed to enhance civic participation and transparency in public administration in the three urban municipalities of Dabola, inguiraye and Kouroussa. The grantee set out to create transparent spaces for civic participation and consultation; as well to strengthen drafting skills and to promote local governance such as Local Development Plans, an Annual Investment Plan and municipal budgets. The activities aimed to empower the most vulnerable groups, women and young people. The project was relevant since it addressed the main problems facing public administrations - a lack of knowledge and skills within local government and the reluctance of citizens to get involved and to participate in managing public affairs.
Evaluation Date
September 2016

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Democratic Processes for Bangsamoro Government in Lanao Lake Watershed Reservation in the Philippines

The capacity building programme successfully increased the’ levels of environmental awareness and stewardship, as evidenced by a municipality being awarded as the cleanest in Lanao del Sur, and the creation of a dynamic and vibrant environmental youth organization.
Project Partner
Tanggol Kalikasan
Project Description
The goal of the project was the objective was to build a strong coalition to ensure the efficient management, conservation and protection of the Lake Lanao Watershed Reservation – through democratic processes involving community integration and the introduction of partnerships, pre-consultation, capacity building, the promotion of micro-projects, and monitoring of policy implementation. The design of the project’s training methodology was appropriate to introduce the basic concept of ecology, best management practices, and to raise awareness of applicable environmental laws, rules and regulations. The project contributed to the joint elaboration and adoption of environmental action plans, as well as supporting policies and ordinances on watershed, fisheries and solid waste management. Print and radio media outputs also facilitated the wider public’s key role in the protection of the environment and to empower individual citizens to participate in the enforcement of environmental laws. The grantee managed to work with the full range of different political, religious and social leaders in the Lanao Lake Watershed Reservation. This was reported by the beneficiaries as an unparalleled achievement.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Promoting Women's Participation in Local Budgetary Processes

Women NGOs/CBOs members’ capacity in Niger is still basic. Women need to strengthen their political and technical expertise. The women from research/action groups improved their ability to participate in the decision-making process, but there is no evidence that they are able to manage and monitor the compliance of municipal investments (i.e. health, water sanitation, education, etc.). In addition the political weight of women within municipalities is still weak.
Project Partner
Alternative Espaces Citoyens
Project Description
Working with women’s community-based organizations and municipal authorities the project aimed to enhance the social and economic rights of women in Niger by supporting Gender Responsive Budgeting. Integrating a gender perspective into all steps of the municipal budget process, the project focused on improving the capacity of women to advocate municipalities to shape local budgetary policies which consider their health, education and water sanitation concerns. The project’s strategy of working directly with women community based organization members and municipal officials brought activities closer to beneficiaries in the five targeted municipalities of Niger. This approach was highly relevant to women as a beneficiary group, which for most part, rarely has a voice in public affairs and limited access to political decision-making processes.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Arts as an Action to Stand up for Women´s Rights in Nicaragua

The young people involved have repeated the performances in their schools and communities. The response by the audience was highly positive and the use of debates and forums fostered public participation and led to greater awareness of and respect for the status of women in Nicaraguan society.
Project Partner
Movimiento de Teatro Popular Sin Fronteras
Project Description
The project aimed to protect and promote women´s rights using the arts to communicate messages and to raise awareness of the challenges women are facing in protecting and promoting their rights, in spite of the existence of the Law on Violence Against Women (Law 779). The strategy of the project was built around two components: capacity building and awareness raising measures including theatre production and artistic expression; and preventive actions to solve key problems linked to the implementation of Law 779. The project was relevant, as it was carried out at a time of polarization and controversy over the passing of Law no. 779 on Violence against Women (2012) and the reform of this law in 2013. With the aim of making the issue visible, the project relied on promoting collaboration and alliances and mobilizing women’s organizations, civil society actors and local authorities.
Evaluation Date
January 2016

Lesson Learned: Engaging civil society and youth in public policy dialogue in North Africa

While the project’s training methodology was excellent, the project design did not include a sufficiently detailed analysis of the political environment surrounding participation in policy debates. This resulted in a failure to build on-going contacts to close the gap between young people and political leaders involved in policy making.
Project Partner
Moroccan Center for Civic Education
Project Description
The project’s objective was to support the involvement of youth in public policy debates. The project activities included training and organizational support for local civil society projects. It aimed to help civil society organisations and youth to identify problems and propose solutions to decision makers, develop effective leadership and advocacy skills to articulate their positions. It also hoped to establish a sustainable regional network of policy advocates to share information, best practices and lessons learned. Weaknesses in the grantee’s initial problem analysis and a lack of hands-on support undermined the project’s effectiveness. Training on leadership and advocacy skills could have been delivered by experienced civil society members instead of professional educators. It would have also been appropriate to include and seek involvement from political decision-makers to ultimately obtain support for the project’s objective and outcomes.
Evaluation Date
September 2015

Lesson Learned: Engaging civil society and youth in public policy dialogue in North Africa

The key impact of was changes in attitude among the participating youth. These changes can be ascribed to the Project Citizen methodology employed by the project which used a hands-on training approach, in which participants worked in small groups to develop change strategies addressing specific, real-life concerns.
Project Partner
Moroccan Center for Civic Education
Project Description
The project’s objective was to support the involvement of youth in public policy debates. The project activities included training and organizational support for local civil society projects. It aimed to help civil society organisations and youth to identify problems and propose solutions to decision makers, develop effective leadership and advocacy skills to articulate their positions. It also hoped to establish a sustainable regional network of policy advocates to share information, best practices and lessons learned. Weaknesses in the grantee’s initial problem analysis and a lack of hands-on support undermined the project’s effectiveness. Training on leadership and advocacy skills could have been delivered by experienced civil society members instead of professional educators. It would have also been appropriate to include and seek involvement from political decision-makers to ultimately obtain support for the project’s objective and outcomes.
Evaluation Date
September 2015

Lesson Learned: Civic Involvement for Transparency and Accountability in Kosovo

Community engagement was the area where the project had the greatest short-term impact. Most municipal assembly Heads, mayors and senior local government officials, had little or no previous exposure to meetings where they interacted with local community members on their concerns and priorities. The project introduced community consultations and more elaborate Town Hall meetings. This innovation was quite successful it persuaded municipal leaders of the value of citizen engagement. It also led to concrete results when issues raised by the community were included in municipal budgeting.
Project Partner
Kosova Democratic Institute
Project Description
Within the broader context of advancing good governance at local level, the project objective was to enhance the involvement of civil society in local governance through: local assembly monitoring; policy analysis and policy dialogues with public officials; and advocacy campaigns. The grantee sought to promote two-way communications between local officials and citizens in 14 selected municipalities and to support the strengthening of the capacities of locally-based CSOs to monitor the performance of municipal assemblies and municipal government in order to improve accountability. The emphasis of the project on transparency and accountability in municipal government while also reinforcing the position and capacities of civil society at local level was entirely appropriate. The project took place in a difficult context. Yet, despite having to deal with public passivity and indifference about politics, along with a political establishment under little direct pressure to change, it did succeed in highlighting the importance of democratic processes and in engaging citizens in the public sphere. It also made some progress in pressing local government institutions to think differently about their responsibilities.
Evaluation Date
August 2015

Lesson Learned: Civic Involvement for Transparency and Accountability in Kosovo

Participating CSOs were given training and reference materials to enable them to engage in hands-on processes including monitoring of the proceedings of the municipal assemblies and the decision-making of the municipal executive. The training also enabled them to draft monitoring reports, facilitate community participation and assess priority issues in local communities as well as to develop policy analysis, prepare policy briefs and engage in advocacy. The training was highly effective in all three cases, and was followed up by continuing coaching and accompaniment at key points in the process by the grantee project team.
Project Partner
Kosova Democratic Institute
Project Description
Within the broader context of advancing good governance at local level, the project objective was to enhance the involvement of civil society in local governance through: local assembly monitoring; policy analysis and policy dialogues with public officials; and advocacy campaigns. The grantee sought to promote two-way communications between local officials and citizens in 14 selected municipalities and to support the strengthening of the capacities of locally-based CSOs to monitor the performance of municipal assemblies and municipal government in order to improve accountability. The emphasis of the project on transparency and accountability in municipal government while also reinforcing the position and capacities of civil society at local level was entirely appropriate. The project took place in a difficult context. Yet, despite having to deal with public passivity and indifference about politics, along with a political establishment under little direct pressure to change, it did succeed in highlighting the importance of democratic processes and in engaging citizens in the public sphere. It also made some progress in pressing local government institutions to think differently about their responsibilities.
Evaluation Date
August 2015