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Lesson Learned: Gender Equality and Equity - Follow Up to CEDAW and Romani women

There was a lack of continuity and follow-up in some areas of project work. This suggests that the project tried to include too many elements within a single project with limited resources. In the future, it is recommended that RCS be prepared to make some difficult choices in determining priorities, in order to ensure that adequate resources (including management time) are assigned to all project resources. The grantee would have benefited from advice about the benefits of focusing and concentrating its efforts on a shorter list of components, each pursued further, thus enhancing the prospect for impact.
Project Partner
Roma Center Skopje
Project Description
The project had two primary audiences: Roma women’s NGOs and young Roma women activists. There were three additional audiences: local government officials; young people, Roma and non-Roma; and, officials of Roma political parties. This focus sought to address in a practical way the weakness of Roma civil society organizations, and particularly those led by, and working for, Roma women, in undertaking advocacy on behalf of their own people. The grantee accomplished a great deal with the small amount of funds provided. It built on the strategic plan developed for 2008-2010, and its earlier project “Implementation of CEDAW for Romani Women”, as well as follow-up initiatives (2005-2008). Through an extremely careful allocation of funds to different areas of activity, the organization was able to undertake a long list of activities and, thus, achieve its own objective. Yet, from an external perspective, it is apparent that there were insufficient funds for some activities, where follow-up was badly needed.
Evaluation Date
November 2010

Lesson Learned: Enhancing Political Participation of Marginalised Women in Nepal

The project strategy was designed to operate progressively in stages, beginning with a database that tracked progress with measurable indicators. The activities designed and developed by the stakeholders were modified with the findings of rapid assessment reports. All stages were discussed by the target audience. This approach helped identify related grassroots capacity-building needs, develop suitable awareness and training materials, and forge ties between marginalized women and local authorities.
Project Partner
Association of District Development Committees of Nepal
Project Description
The project organized women into informal Women's Democracy Forums to build a culture of collaboration between marginalized women from different social backgrounds in five Nepalese districts. It intended to give women a voice at the district and village level by providing information, education, and communication materials and offering training courses on women's rights. Project activities combined traditional and alternative means of communication, such as street theater. This oral mode of education was adapted to the needs of remote communities. The project's visibility was also enhanced by the production of weekly radio programs; 72 episodes on the political empowerment of women and democratic processes were produced and broadcast over a six–month period. Local authorities and grassroots resource persons increased their commitment to the political inclusion of women. All of these activities were innovative in these Nepalese districts and were skillfully carried out by the implementing team. All activities were successfully concluded and delivered results over and above expectations.
Evaluation Date
September 2010

Lesson Learned: Media, Transparency and Accountability in Albania

The project built on portions of an earlier media development project funded by USAID in Albania. As a result, most of the project framework was already in place, making implementation of the UNDEF-funded activities relatively straightforward. Most of the stations in its networks, and about half of its reporters, had already been trained under the previous USAID. project and the grantee was able to leverage this experience to its advantage. This helped to consolidate the position of investigatory journalism and the role of the media as a public watchdog. It also ensured that the Union functioned long enough to become an established part of the Albanian media environment.
Project Partner
IREX Europe/Hapur
Project Description
Media, Transparency and Accountability in Albania sought to strengthen the role of the Albanian media to promote transparency and government accountability by 1) investigating and informing citizens on issues of civic concern and corruption, and 2) developing, implementing and enforcing its own ethical and professional standards. The project did help to improve the media’s capacity to investigate and inform citizens on issues of corruption and civic concern, but that the difficulty in airing the shows on national TV, and in particular, national public TV, limited its potential impact, as did the lack of synergies with other anti-corruption or good governance activities. The mix of local and national topics for its reports seemed appropriate as it attracted the interest of both audiences and drew national attention to some of the problems in the local areas.
Evaluation Date
September 2010

Lesson Learned: Media, Transparency and Accountability in Albania

National public TV (TVSH) and other TV stations in Albania with nationwide coverage would not broadcast its programmes because of the nature of their content. To compensate, the grantee productions were uploaded onto YouTube and the grantee helped to create a project website to serve as a repository for its programmes, which was originally not anticipated in the project.


Project Partner
IREX Europe/Hapur
Project Description
Media, Transparency and Accountability in Albania sought to strengthen the role of the Albanian media to promote transparency and government accountability by 1) investigating and informing citizens on issues of civic concern and corruption, and 2) developing, implementing and enforcing its own ethical and professional standards. The project did help to improve the media’s capacity to investigate and inform citizens on issues of corruption and civic concern, but that the difficulty in airing the shows on national TV, and in particular, national public TV, limited its potential impact, as did the lack of synergies with other anti-corruption or good governance activities. The mix of local and national topics for its reports seemed appropriate as it attracted the interest of both audiences and drew national attention to some of the problems in the local areas.
Evaluation Date
September 2010

Lesson Learned: Media, Transparency and Accountability in Albania

The grantee mastered the reporting and production aspects of the project activities, but its biggest challenge was finding a market for its products. This was illustrated repeatedly by stations pulling out because of political or advertiser pressure. Perhaps linkages with a strong enterprise are necessary to ensure a platform to broadcast such shows and to be able to withstand the subsequent political pressure.
Project Partner
IREX Europe/Hapur
Project Description
Media, Transparency and Accountability in Albania sought to strengthen the role of the Albanian media to promote transparency and government accountability by 1) investigating and informing citizens on issues of civic concern and corruption, and 2) developing, implementing and enforcing its own ethical and professional standards. The project did help to improve the media’s capacity to investigate and inform citizens on issues of corruption and civic concern, but that the difficulty in airing the shows on national TV, and in particular, national public TV, limited its potential impact, as did the lack of synergies with other anti-corruption or good governance activities. The mix of local and national topics for its reports seemed appropriate as it attracted the interest of both audiences and drew national attention to some of the problems in the local areas.
Evaluation Date
September 2010

Lesson Learned: Media, Transparency and Accountability in Albania

The Journalist Union’s activities to increase its membership were effective as they were linked to something tangible-- the issuing of a membership card which had value to journalists. The card was provided as a receipt for the payment of dues which provided the Union with some income. However, most journalists seemed to have interpreted this as a one-time requirement, and did not see the need during interviews to pay dues on a regular basis. The number of members increased from 480 in 2008 to 790 in 2010. There were 870 members by the time of the evaluation. The union’s regional offices did not appear to be open, but they still had representatives for the offices who managed the Union activities in their areas and who convened meetings when needed.
Project Partner
IREX Europe/Hapur
Project Description
Media, Transparency and Accountability in Albania sought to strengthen the role of the Albanian media to promote transparency and government accountability by 1) investigating and informing citizens on issues of civic concern and corruption, and 2) developing, implementing and enforcing its own ethical and professional standards. The project did help to improve the media’s capacity to investigate and inform citizens on issues of corruption and civic concern, but that the difficulty in airing the shows on national TV, and in particular, national public TV, limited its potential impact, as did the lack of synergies with other anti-corruption or good governance activities. The mix of local and national topics for its reports seemed appropriate as it attracted the interest of both audiences and drew national attention to some of the problems in the local areas.
Evaluation Date
September 2010

Lesson Learned: Media, Transparency and Accountability in Albania

Albania is the only country in Europe without audience monitoring, and the outlets now sell advertising time based on anecdotal information.  A more realistic set of indicators could have tracked more closely the actual impact of the project-- such as changes to government practices or policies, the number of persons held accountable for reports aired, and numbers of outlets adopting a full formal system of employment.
Project Partner
IREX Europe/Hapur
Project Description
Media, Transparency and Accountability in Albania sought to strengthen the role of the Albanian media to promote transparency and government accountability by 1) investigating and informing citizens on issues of civic concern and corruption, and 2) developing, implementing and enforcing its own ethical and professional standards. The project did help to improve the media’s capacity to investigate and inform citizens on issues of corruption and civic concern, but that the difficulty in airing the shows on national TV, and in particular, national public TV, limited its potential impact, as did the lack of synergies with other anti-corruption or good governance activities. The mix of local and national topics for its reports seemed appropriate as it attracted the interest of both audiences and drew national attention to some of the problems in the local areas.
Evaluation Date
September 2010

Lesson Learned: Enhancing Political Participation of Marginalised Women in Nepal

Women are commonly separated from one another in Nepal by caste identity. One of the major achievements of the project was getting the highest and lowest castes to cooperate with each other, which is normally a social taboo. Under this project, Brahmins worked with Dalits and Janajatis. It is noteworthy that Brahmins were involved, as they represent one of the highest castes in Nepal. It confirmed how innovative this project was in stimulating cooperation between different castes.
Project Partner
Association of District Development Committees of Nepal
Project Description
The project organized women into informal Women's Democracy Forums to build a culture of collaboration between marginalized women from different social backgrounds in five Nepalese districts. It intended to give women a voice at the district and village level by providing information, education, and communication materials and offering training courses on women's rights. Project activities combined traditional and alternative means of communication, such as street theater. This oral mode of education was adapted to the needs of remote communities. The project's visibility was also enhanced by the production of weekly radio programs; 72 episodes on the political empowerment of women and democratic processes were produced and broadcast over a six–month period. Local authorities and grassroots resource persons increased their commitment to the political inclusion of women. All of these activities were innovative in these Nepalese districts and were skillfully carried out by the implementing team. All activities were successfully concluded and delivered results over and above expectations.
Evaluation Date
September 2010

Lesson Learned: Enhancing Political Participation of Marginalised Women in Nepal

Dissemination methods, including traditional and alternative means, were used so as to address the lack of literacy among participants. Representatives of marginalized women’s communities, as well as other stakeholders, identified street theater and radio programs as the most relevant media. Five street plays were originally planned, but 16 were produced and seen by some 2,000 people.
Project Partner
Association of District Development Committees of Nepal
Project Description
The project organized women into informal Women's Democracy Forums to build a culture of collaboration between marginalized women from different social backgrounds in five Nepalese districts. It intended to give women a voice at the district and village level by providing information, education, and communication materials and offering training courses on women's rights. Project activities combined traditional and alternative means of communication, such as street theater. This oral mode of education was adapted to the needs of remote communities. The project's visibility was also enhanced by the production of weekly radio programs; 72 episodes on the political empowerment of women and democratic processes were produced and broadcast over a six–month period. Local authorities and grassroots resource persons increased their commitment to the political inclusion of women. All of these activities were innovative in these Nepalese districts and were skillfully carried out by the implementing team. All activities were successfully concluded and delivered results over and above expectations.
Evaluation Date
September 2010

Lesson Learned: Enhancing Political Participation of Marginalised Women in Nepal

Radio programmes were considered the best media for enabling women to make their voices heard. Participants remarked on the quality of the broadcasts and the effectiveness of media outputs. Local journalists said that these programs had helped individual women realize that they were not alone in enduring discrimination, and that sharing experiences about discrimination is no longer taboo.
Project Partner
Association of District Development Committees of Nepal
Project Description
The project organized women into informal Women's Democracy Forums to build a culture of collaboration between marginalized women from different social backgrounds in five Nepalese districts. It intended to give women a voice at the district and village level by providing information, education, and communication materials and offering training courses on women's rights. Project activities combined traditional and alternative means of communication, such as street theater. This oral mode of education was adapted to the needs of remote communities. The project's visibility was also enhanced by the production of weekly radio programs; 72 episodes on the political empowerment of women and democratic processes were produced and broadcast over a six–month period. Local authorities and grassroots resource persons increased their commitment to the political inclusion of women. All of these activities were innovative in these Nepalese districts and were skillfully carried out by the implementing team. All activities were successfully concluded and delivered results over and above expectations.
Evaluation Date
September 2010