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Lesson Learned: Empowered Civil Society Addressing the Democratic Needs of Rural Women in Myanmar

By targeting district-based officials in charge of specific tasks, such as animal husbandry or cash crops, the project was able to engage officials in a dialogue in issues where there could be consensus While such officials were less powerful than district administrators; they were also more likely to address communities’ practical concerns.
Project Partner
Project Description
The project's objective was to strengthen institutional capacity of three independent CSOs working with rural women’s groups so that they could establish associations of self-help groups and promote inclusive participatory dialogue with authorities. Working from a UNDP model, the project focused on three aspects: transparency and accountability; rights awareness and advocacy; and linkages with other community-level groups. The project was exemplary in its effectiveness, both in terms of the clarity of outcomes to be achieved (and activities to achieve them) and of quantitative and qualitative standards of achievement. It raised awareness of voters’ and women’s rights, and initiated engagement between local officials and rural communities. This is also an example of a project where sustainability was included in the design. The capacity building activities included supporting partner organizations achieve a degree of financial independence, by providing technical advice on project design and management, and by helping them develop internal governance and accountability systems.
Evaluation Date
January 2016

Lesson Learned: Young Builders of a New Citizenship In Chad

Focusing on specific topics of concern and relevance to youth would have helped make the youth associations more effective and led to more targeted actions in the field of public policy.
Project Partner
Action des Partenaires pour l'Appui au Développement
Project Description
The project aimed to empower young people so that their voices could be heard by public authorities. The project focused on strengthening youth capacity, youth initiatives and dialogue between youth organizations and authorities as partners in public policy. It was a continuation of a programme which the grantee had been conducting since 2005 through its youth network in 12 municipalities across the country. The project was based on the finding that participation of young Chadians in the public sphere was very low and that there was a need to increase their capacity for action. The project was relevant, since there is no real youth strategy in the country and youth represent 70 per cent of the population but lack access to democratic space and have a low quality of education.
Evaluation Date
December 2015

Lesson Learned: Young Builders of a New Citizenship In Chad

Although more than eight hundred young people from Chad were informed about their rights and duties, the project did not lead to any changes in the youth organizations’ perception of how the voice of young people could be heard. Most of the young interviewees declared that there was no additional dialogue with authorities after the project’s termination.
Project Partner
Action des Partenaires pour l'Appui au Développement
Project Description
The project aimed to empower young people so that their voices could be heard by public authorities. The project focused on strengthening youth capacity, youth initiatives and dialogue between youth organizations and authorities as partners in public policy. It was a continuation of a programme which the grantee had been conducting since 2005 through its youth network in 12 municipalities across the country. The project was based on the finding that participation of young Chadians in the public sphere was very low and that there was a need to increase their capacity for action. The project was relevant, since there is no real youth strategy in the country and youth represent 70 per cent of the population but lack access to democratic space and have a low quality of education.
Evaluation Date
December 2015

Lesson Learned: Towards Collaborative and Transparent Local Development Planning

The project avoided the political dimension of decentralization, although its consideration would have been important to ensure relevance over time. While the project helped local areas to move towards a decentralized governance system, steps remain to be taken to institute genuine decentralization - particularly the election of local officials and adequate transfer of resources. Therefore the inclusion of an advocacy component would have greatly strengthened the programme.
Project Partner
Centre International de Développement et de Recherche
Project Description
The project aimed to strengthen the ongoing decentralization process by involving the local population in local development planning. Activities included setting up and training members of cantonal / communal development committees and prefectural development committees in charge of identifying and prioritizing local development needs in order to enhance democratic governance. Support to the annual local development planning process included the implementation of 15 micro-projects which were part of the agreed local development plans, as well as awareness-raising campaigns on decentralization, local development and the roles of local civil servants and citizens. The project strategy was coherent and designed to complement the grantee’s ongoing local governance support programme. The project was implemented by an international and a local partner NGO. The lack of a specific agreement between the grantee and its local partne, however, contributed to a lack of attention to the project specific elements within the wider development programme.
Evaluation Date
December 2015

Lesson Learned: Engaging civil society and youth in public policy dialogue in North Africa

The project’s third outcome, the establishment of a regional advocacy network, was not achieved. The young participants were more engaged with designing and implementing specific projects at local level. This left them with little time or resources to engage in participatory policy development and broader advocacy. This reveals that some aspects of the training’s design – notably on advocacy campaigning and on cross-border networking – were not addressed in sufficient detail.
Project Partner
Moroccan Center for Civic Education
Project Description
The project’s objective was to support the involvement of youth in public policy debates. The project activities included training and organizational support for local civil society projects. It aimed to help civil society organisations and youth to identify problems and propose solutions to decision makers, develop effective leadership and advocacy skills to articulate their positions. It also hoped to establish a sustainable regional network of policy advocates to share information, best practices and lessons learned. Weaknesses in the grantee’s initial problem analysis and a lack of hands-on support undermined the project’s effectiveness. Training on leadership and advocacy skills could have been delivered by experienced civil society members instead of professional educators. It would have also been appropriate to include and seek involvement from political decision-makers to ultimately obtain support for the project’s objective and outcomes.
Evaluation Date
September 2015

Lesson Learned: Civic Involvement for Transparency and Accountability in Kosovo

The emphasis on advocacy built on the experience participants had gained in monitoring, reporting and community engagement. It focused on enabling the CSOs to identify the most pressing issues, to conduct further research, and to identify practical options through which the problem might be addressed. Policy briefs were produced to a set format, and these formed the basis for an advocacy process, during which the CSOs were often accompanied by the grantee in key meetings.
Project Partner
Kosova Democratic Institute
Project Description
Within the broader context of advancing good governance at local level, the project objective was to enhance the involvement of civil society in local governance through: local assembly monitoring; policy analysis and policy dialogues with public officials; and advocacy campaigns. The grantee sought to promote two-way communications between local officials and citizens in 14 selected municipalities and to support the strengthening of the capacities of locally-based CSOs to monitor the performance of municipal assemblies and municipal government in order to improve accountability. The emphasis of the project on transparency and accountability in municipal government while also reinforcing the position and capacities of civil society at local level was entirely appropriate. The project took place in a difficult context. Yet, despite having to deal with public passivity and indifference about politics, along with a political establishment under little direct pressure to change, it did succeed in highlighting the importance of democratic processes and in engaging citizens in the public sphere. It also made some progress in pressing local government institutions to think differently about their responsibilities.
Evaluation Date
August 2015

Lesson Learned: Women in Democratic Transition in Egypt

Using credible data and statistics, the project made a tangible and significant contribution to advancing women’s democratic rights. The grantee was a leading force in lobbying for constitutional measures to ensure women’s representation – unsuccessful in the case of parliament but successful in the case of local councils. It also took the lead in successfully advocating for the institution of female quotas on political lists for the 2015 parliamentary elections and the adoption of a political parties’ Code of Ethics (formulated by the project, based on a situation analysis and consultations with 20-30 political parties) regarding women’s democratic participation.
Project Partner
The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights
Project Description
The project was motivated by women’s low political representation in Egypt. Despite women's active participation as voters and change-makers during the Arab Spring, their representation in Parliament deteriorated following abolition of the quota from around 12% in 2010 to 2% of the 2011/2012 parliament. The project built on the recommendations and results of as previous (2009-11) UNDEF-funded project. A significant proportion of women who received training as part of the project ran for political office, and a significant proportion of these succeeded, demonstrating concrete project impact. While many other factors were at work, based on figures analyzed that training made at least some direct contribution to female success during the 2015 elections. Combining party and individual candidates, the UNDEF project financed the training of 16% of the successful 56 party list candidates and 21% of the 19 successful independent candidates.
Evaluation Date
July 2015

Lesson Learned: Media and art as catalysts for free speech and access to information in Jordan

The 10 issues of the newspaper supplement Baranda were expensive and even journalists writing for it questioned whether anyone read it. Such a supplement is not equivalent to placing articles into mainstream media or through alternative media with already developed audiences. This was not an effective output nor an effective use of funds.
Project Partner
Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists
Project Description
The aim of the project was to engage talented young artists and journalists, and encourage them to use new forms of art in promoting change and advocating for free speech and media freedom as a cornerstone of democracy. The project had three primary outcomes: an increase in media coverage on human rights, media freedom, free speech and the right of access to information by trained young journalists; an increase in the engagement of young people in human rights, media freedom, free speech and the right of access to information through artistic activities/products by young artists; and raised awareness of young people of human rights, media freedom, free speech and the right of access to information by end-2013. The project assumed that enhancing the understanding and skills of the young journalists and artists participating in training, writing/performing and networking will have a multiplier effect. Participants joined an already established network called ‘Freedom Messengers’. The project also included public events and an advocacy campaign that were intended to build public support for the Freedom Messengers and thus create pressure for change. Additionally, the project included the further development of an existing on-line observatory and the creation of a web presence for the Freedom Messengers. The evaluation found that in the implementation of the project the specific press/information-related focus was lost. Consequently there a mismatch between the activities undertaken and the specific objectives set.
Evaluation Date
January 2015

Lesson Learned: Civil Society Empowerment in Advocacy and Policy Development in Vietnam

It is noteworthy that the 15 small grant advocacy projects all resulted in improvements or adjustments to implementation of regulations, changes in current government practice, or agreements for the CSO to take part in dialogue on the development of new policies and laws in Vietnam.
Project Partner
Research Center for Management and Sustainable Development
Project Description
The project’s overall objective was to increase the participation of Vietnamese civil society organizations (CSOs) in democratic policy-making. The grantee sought to achieve this through: building the capacity of CSOs to advocate for democratic participation in the policy development process; enhancing networking, cooperation and communication among CSOs and related government bodies; implementation of existing legal frameworks and policies; and actual, successful participation of CSOs in the policy-making process. The objectives of the project were directly relevant to exploring new possibilities in civil society engagement with government agencies in Viet Nam on public policy, at both local and national levels. The project helped facilitate CSOs voice in discussions and problem-solving on issues of concern to particular disadvantaged and vulnerable communities.
Evaluation Date
June 2014

Lesson Learned: Civil Society Empowerment in Advocacy and Policy Development in Vietnam

The project funded 15 CSO small advocacy initiatives, implemented by 14 CSO partners. In most cases, the CSOs supplemented the $1,000 awarded by securing additional resources from government and donor funds. Designed and implemented with guidance and advice from the grantee, the projects were generally successful in delivering advocacy initiatives which engaged government officials and made progress towards the solution of specific issues.
Project Partner
Research Center for Management and Sustainable Development
Project Description
The project’s overall objective was to increase the participation of Vietnamese civil society organizations (CSOs) in democratic policy-making. The grantee sought to achieve this through: building the capacity of CSOs to advocate for democratic participation in the policy development process; enhancing networking, cooperation and communication among CSOs and related government bodies; implementation of existing legal frameworks and policies; and actual, successful participation of CSOs in the policy-making process. The objectives of the project were directly relevant to exploring new possibilities in civil society engagement with government agencies in Viet Nam on public policy, at both local and national levels. The project helped facilitate CSOs voice in discussions and problem-solving on issues of concern to particular disadvantaged and vulnerable communities.
Evaluation Date
June 2014