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Lesson Learned: Promoting Youth Participation through Development Policy in Burkina Faso

Post-project studies can constitute a key element in shedding light on the performance of any project. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the progress of the project, even before the UNDEF evaluation, provided early visibility on the results obtained. The Post-Project Study carried out by the implementing agency after the closure of the project proved to be crucial for evaluating the achievements of the initiative.
Project Partner
Balai Citoyen
Project Description
This project aims to both increase citizen participation of young people in the electoral process and implement the formulation and monitoring of public policies in seven municipalities in Burkina Faso. Advocacy and a series of awareness-raising actions will allow the establishment of at least seven local networks dedicated to the promotion of citizen participation of youth at the level of decision-making bodies. These actions will also lead public authorities to take formal measures in response to the demands formulated by young people. Project activities integrate actions in response to the Covid-19 crisis and its various implications for youth.
Evaluation Date
December 2023

Lesson Learned: Promoting Youth Participation through Development Policy in Burkina Faso

The development of a proactive adaptation strategy to drastic changes in the geopolitical context has proven essential. By anticipating methods of adaptation to changing circumstances, whether natural, pandemic or geopolitical, it proposes actions and measures to be taken in the event of these changes materializing. Systematically integrating this strategy into the planning of projects strengthens the resilience of initiatives to changing conditions and increases their long-term effectiveness.
Project Partner
Balai Citoyen
Project Description
This project aims to both increase citizen participation of young people in the electoral process and implement the formulation and monitoring of public policies in seven municipalities in Burkina Faso. Advocacy and a series of awareness-raising actions will allow the establishment of at least seven local networks dedicated to the promotion of citizen participation of youth at the level of decision-making bodies. These actions will also lead public authorities to take formal measures in response to the demands formulated by young people. Project activities integrate actions in response to the Covid-19 crisis and its various implications for youth.
Evaluation Date
December 2023

Lesson Learned: Support for Elections in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Frequent and regular dialogue with key institutional partners ensures that activities, outputs and outcomes of the project are achieved. This can include pre-project, or start of project, collaborative planning sessions.
Project Partner
Stakeholder Democracy Network
Project Description
Elections in Nigeria, and especially in its oil-producing Niger Delta states, have in the past been disputed and given rise to violence. One of these states, Bayelsa, is due to choose a new governor in 2020 in what is expected to be a hotly contested election. The project seeks to minimize the risk of dispute and help to ensure the election is free, fair, and credible. It will support the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission to train staff engaged to oversee polling in at-risk areas in the procedures necessary to do so effectively. It will support the creation of a database to register party political agents in three areas, reducing the risk of unidentifiable persons engaging in illegal political activity. Activities will also include voter education across the target areas, aiming to reach 1,350 citizens in workshops and 170,000 via a public campaign, seeking to inform citizens on how to prevent votes from being stolen or manipulated.
Evaluation Date
August 2021

Lesson Learned: Support for Elections in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Adaptive project management and implementation allows for adjustments to be made that enhance the achievement of the overall goal of the project.
Project Partner
Stakeholder Democracy Network
Project Description
Elections in Nigeria, and especially in its oil-producing Niger Delta states, have in the past been disputed and given rise to violence. One of these states, Bayelsa, is due to choose a new governor in 2020 in what is expected to be a hotly contested election. The project seeks to minimize the risk of dispute and help to ensure the election is free, fair, and credible. It will support the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission to train staff engaged to oversee polling in at-risk areas in the procedures necessary to do so effectively. It will support the creation of a database to register party political agents in three areas, reducing the risk of unidentifiable persons engaging in illegal political activity. Activities will also include voter education across the target areas, aiming to reach 1,350 citizens in workshops and 170,000 via a public campaign, seeking to inform citizens on how to prevent votes from being stolen or manipulated.
Evaluation Date
August 2021

Lesson Learned: Support for Elections in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Impactful training is not just about the quality of the information communicated, but the way it is communicated.
Project Partner
Stakeholder Democracy Network
Project Description
Elections in Nigeria, and especially in its oil-producing Niger Delta states, have in the past been disputed and given rise to violence. One of these states, Bayelsa, is due to choose a new governor in 2020 in what is expected to be a hotly contested election. The project seeks to minimize the risk of dispute and help to ensure the election is free, fair, and credible. It will support the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission to train staff engaged to oversee polling in at-risk areas in the procedures necessary to do so effectively. It will support the creation of a database to register party political agents in three areas, reducing the risk of unidentifiable persons engaging in illegal political activity. Activities will also include voter education across the target areas, aiming to reach 1,350 citizens in workshops and 170,000 via a public campaign, seeking to inform citizens on how to prevent votes from being stolen or manipulated.
Evaluation Date
August 2021

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Somali Media Capacity for Democracy and Human Rights

The implementation of the project sent an important positive signal of the international community’s support for freedom of expression and good governance in Somalia. Although sustainability is always a challenge in troubled contexts such as Somalia, the project has laid valuable groundwork for future action in support of media freedom.
Project Partner
National Union of Somali Journalists
Project Description
The project aimed strengthened the capacity of the Somali media to implement principles and practices of democracy and respect for human rights by providing professional training to Somali journalists across the country, focusing on ethics and good journalistic practices, and holding workshops on good governance and human rights. The use of training sessions and workshops was appropriate to address the issue of journalists’ skills development. Creation of a media centre was also useful in helping journalists to do their work. However, the project's planned activities were not sufficient to address all its objectives. The number of participating journalists was on target, as was the ratio of women participants (30%). This is a very significant achievement, considering the prevalence of armed violence and high levels of political instability in many parts of Somalia during the project period. Significantly, the project benefited about half of Somalia’s journalists. On the other hand, the failure to address other stakeholders - government, editors, and publishers - reduced the likelihood of positive changes. However, the very fact that the project took place has to be seen as an achievement in its own right.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Deepening Democratization Processes Through Youth Leadership in Myanmar

The grantee continued to use the fellowship model in other countries, and a global youth forum hub has been relocated from Nepal to Myanmar. Within this project, community groups were also brought together at state level with a view to initiating a state-level process that would endure beyond the end of project activity and involve both local development practitioners and government functionaries.
Project Partner
ActionAid International in Myanmar
Project Description
The project aimed to identify new youth fellows, train them in leadership and concepts of democracy and governance, and prepare them to lead development projects in their communities. The strategy to do this was through "placements" with local grassroots organizations. The 130 trained youth fellows were supported through the fellowship network, including meetings at local and state levels and by identifying 400 youth volunteers through community "reflect circles" that the fellows facilitated. Together, the fellows and volunteers led and established a large number of development projects within the communities, ranging from pig rearing to the building of early education centres. The model is ideally suited to both produce the expected outcomes and also lay the groundwork for potential future representation at national level. The project far exceeded its own expectations, reaching more than 100,000 people through project activities. However, planned training of journalists and the development of a website proved not to be possible in the political climate in Myanmar and were replaced by the production of a series of newsletters for the fellows and for broader dissemination.
Evaluation Date
September 2010