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Lesson Learned: Education and Training of Youth for Democracy in Burkina Faso

The training activities were very short and often very academic with little in the way of practical case studies, which could have enabled young leaders not only to be informed about why it is important to vote, but also how to act as citizen to participate and to control the accountability and transparency of the electoral process in Burkina Faso.
Project Partner
Réseau Afrique Jeunesse
Project Description
The project aimed to mobilize youth to participate in the presidential election, by reinforcing citizens’ and voters’ knowledge. The beneficiaries were young leaders of women’s and men’s associations from across Burkina Faso, aged 18 – 25, who were involved in and committed to civil society specific activities for the youth. Activities focused on education, training and sensitization and, subsequently, on the development of a group of young leaders that can relay information and training knowledge to members of youth organisations and to the youth of their villages. The project was firmly rooted in the socio-political and cultural context of Burkina Faso. The lack of participation of young citizens in successive elections is intrinsically linked with the lack of education, in particular citizens’ and voters’ education. In the context of a still male-dominated country, the identification of beneficiaries comprising both young men and women was also appropriate to address the political participation of women. The project was also coherent in that it covered the pre-electoral, electoral and post electoral periods.
Evaluation Date
June 2012

Lesson Learned: Education and Training of Youth for Democracy in Burkina Faso

The project focused on developing young leaders’ knowledge by means of a large quantity of sensitization activities and trainings. It is uncertain that those activities responded to genuine needs, due to the lack of benchmarks regarding the reasons for the non-participation of the youth in electoral processes.
Project Partner
Réseau Afrique Jeunesse
Project Description
The project aimed to mobilize youth to participate in the presidential election, by reinforcing citizens’ and voters’ knowledge. The beneficiaries were young leaders of women’s and men’s associations from across Burkina Faso, aged 18 – 25, who were involved in and committed to civil society specific activities for the youth. Activities focused on education, training and sensitization and, subsequently, on the development of a group of young leaders that can relay information and training knowledge to members of youth organisations and to the youth of their villages. The project was firmly rooted in the socio-political and cultural context of Burkina Faso. The lack of participation of young citizens in successive elections is intrinsically linked with the lack of education, in particular citizens’ and voters’ education. In the context of a still male-dominated country, the identification of beneficiaries comprising both young men and women was also appropriate to address the political participation of women. The project was also coherent in that it covered the pre-electoral, electoral and post electoral periods.
Evaluation Date
June 2012

Lesson Learned: Youth Training for Democracy and Development

A factor that contributed to the project’s effectiveness was the way that the conceptual and practical elements of the training were complementary. This enabled the youth in the indigenous communities to combine a critical analysis of the local situation with the implementation of practical alternatives.
Project Partner
Association d'Amis du Développement et de la Paix
Project Description
The overall objective of the project was to strengthen the participation of young people in Guatemala through training to create a base of young leaders from indigenous communities living in the Department of Alta Verapaz. The project strategy revolved around four priority components: developing the competencies of young leaders to improve their ability to assume responsibility in their communities; promoting knowledge about current legislation to foster rule of law, governance, and democracy; improving the quality of the dialogue between youth and local government to consolidate opportunities for participation; and encouraging youth to become more involved and influential in local decision-making bodies to help meet the basic needs of their communities. The approach was consistent with the grantee’s strategic goal of providing young people training in participatory civic practices, and enabling them to approach and develop responses to the problems and needs of youth in rural indigenous communities. In addition, the project’s cost-benefit ratio was positive: there was very high participation in terms of the number of benefiting communities and the number of young people completing the project’s training.
Evaluation Date
May 2012

Lesson Learned: Youth Training for Democracy and Development

The project sought to strengthen democratization processes in rural areas focusing by on regions with a fragile social fabric and weak civil society. In this respect the multiplication of training opportunities provided by programme graduates through their activities in their communities, further enhanced the project’s effectiveness.

Project Partner
Association d'Amis du Développement et de la Paix
Project Description
The overall objective of the project was to strengthen the participation of young people in Guatemala through training to create a base of young leaders from indigenous communities living in the Department of Alta Verapaz. The project strategy revolved around four priority components: developing the competencies of young leaders to improve their ability to assume responsibility in their communities; promoting knowledge about current legislation to foster rule of law, governance, and democracy; improving the quality of the dialogue between youth and local government to consolidate opportunities for participation; and encouraging youth to become more involved and influential in local decision-making bodies to help meet the basic needs of their communities. The approach was consistent with the grantee’s strategic goal of providing young people training in participatory civic practices, and enabling them to approach and develop responses to the problems and needs of youth in rural indigenous communities. In addition, the project’s cost-benefit ratio was positive: there was very high participation in terms of the number of benefiting communities and the number of young people completing the project’s training.
Evaluation Date
May 2012

Lesson Learned: Citizenship is my Right

The Municipal Youth Councils are venues where young people can open a dialogue and strengthen their civic participation in institutions. The creation of these councils has not only made it possible to organize group activities for young people and heighten their visibility, but to ensure the accountability of youth council leaders. The participating youth were convinced, engaged, and well-organized; they have established concrete plans of action and in several cases managed to obtain financial support from the municipality.
Project Partner
Mouvement Social
Project Description
This project aimed to promote democratic participation in local government decision-making by creating Municipal Youth Councils. Designed to encourage young people to gain self-confidence and trust one another the project focused on civic education for local leaders; the creation of Municipal Youth Councils in the targeted villages; and the development of group and individual employment and social projects addressing the social and economic needs of the villages. There project was coherent and relevant. The skills and knowledge from the training were applied to concrete activities that fostered changes in the young people’s behaviour and their effective participation in decision-making.
Evaluation Date
January 2012

Lesson Learned: Citizenship is my Right

The project fostered group learning processes that built trust and promoted respect for diversity. This effort has resulted in the training of a substantial number of young leaders who are actively participating in the Municipal Youth Councils and who are involved in concrete employment and social projects that address the needs of their villages.
Project Partner
Mouvement Social
Project Description
This project aimed to promote democratic participation in local government decision-making by creating Municipal Youth Councils. Designed to encourage young people to gain self-confidence and trust one another the project focused on civic education for local leaders; the creation of Municipal Youth Councils in the targeted villages; and the development of group and individual employment and social projects addressing the social and economic needs of the villages. There project was coherent and relevant. The skills and knowledge from the training were applied to concrete activities that fostered changes in the young people’s behaviour and their effective participation in decision-making.
Evaluation Date
January 2012

Lesson Learned: Gender Equality and Equity - Follow Up to CEDAW and Romani women

The training curricula and methodologies for delivering the training were very effective in the case of both the youth empowerment initiative and the preparation of young women activists to undertake field research on the situation of Roma women in local communities. The grantee may have discovered a niche for itself in training young people as a means to supporting their engagement with the public realm.
Project Partner
Roma Center Skopje
Project Description
The project had two primary audiences: Roma women’s NGOs and young Roma women activists. There were three additional audiences: local government officials; young people, Roma and non-Roma; and, officials of Roma political parties. This focus sought to address in a practical way the weakness of Roma civil society organizations, and particularly those led by, and working for, Roma women, in undertaking advocacy on behalf of their own people. The grantee accomplished a great deal with the small amount of funds provided. It built on the strategic plan developed for 2008-2010, and its earlier project “Implementation of CEDAW for Romani Women”, as well as follow-up initiatives (2005-2008). Through an extremely careful allocation of funds to different areas of activity, the organization was able to undertake a long list of activities and, thus, achieve its own objective. Yet, from an external perspective, it is apparent that there were insufficient funds for some activities, where follow-up was badly needed.
Evaluation Date
November 2011

Lesson Learned: Empowering people through citizens’ journalism in Albania

The project did not develop synergies with other efforts in the sector, which included another UNDEF-funded media project and a youth radio funded by other donors in Albania. It had training programmes on investigatory journalism and professional standards, and produced broadcasts on issues of community and national importance with which this project could have linked to exchange programming and training opportunities. There was also Radio Aktive, an independent radio funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and the Open Society Foundation run by the NGO Mjaff. It was intended to provide citizens a voice and raise awareness on civic and social issues. It aired daily reports from youth, including journalism students from the University of Tirana who served as reporters. It also created an online radio portal “Radiostation.”16 UNICEF also funded “Speak Out” (TROC) which supported younger students in Albania to produce a weekly show broadcast on the national public TV station. It trained youth in reporting and supplied technical equipment to 11 bureaus across Albania. They produced 150 reports giving the youth perspective on a broad range of issues.
Project Partner
Institute for Democracy, Media and Cultural Exchange
Project Description
Empowering people through citizens’ journalism in Albania sought to strengthen the outreach of CSOs representing socially vulnerable groups to the community through citizen journalism by 1) equipping CSOs with public communication skills, 2) establishing a community radio station and a web portal at Tirana University, and 3) training students to report on socially relevant topics. The project was unable to establish the on-air radio but continued some training components at the University of Tirana. Activities were also extended to the University of Elbasan which had an existing campus radio station and a dean interested in community radio and citizen journalism. The project created an internet portal called “YouRadio” that it based in the IRIOM project office where it could record and upload its programming. It also branched out to broadcast each programme on a national FM radio station run by Ora, through paid airtime at a regular time each week. Towards the end of the project, it also found the private Marlin Barleti University in Tirana interested in establishing a campus radio station and provided the project equipment to its communications department.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Empowering people through citizens’ journalism in Albania

The project objectives and activities were relevant given the difficulties of youth and civil society organizations in Albania to access the media, voice their opinion or raise social issues. Although the Albanian media is free, mainstream media requires payment for airtime that NGOs cannot afford, and it has shown a general lack of interest in covering social issues as part of the news. Organizations were extremely interested in obtaining access to media, especially if it was free of charge and could reach a national audience as was intended with the university radio in Tirana. Participating youth were interested in citizen journalism and reporting on social issues.
Project Partner
Institute for Democracy, Media and Cultural Exchange
Project Description
Empowering people through citizens’ journalism in Albania sought to strengthen the outreach of CSOs representing socially vulnerable groups to the community through citizen journalism by 1) equipping CSOs with public communication skills, 2) establishing a community radio station and a web portal at Tirana University, and 3) training students to report on socially relevant topics. The project was unable to establish the on-air radio but continued some training components at the University of Tirana. Activities were also extended to the University of Elbasan which had an existing campus radio station and a dean interested in community radio and citizen journalism. The project created an internet portal called “YouRadio” that it based in the IRIOM project office where it could record and upload its programming. It also branched out to broadcast each programme on a national FM radio station run by Ora, through paid airtime at a regular time each week. Towards the end of the project, it also found the private Marlin Barleti University in Tirana interested in establishing a campus radio station and provided the project equipment to its communications department.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Citizenship and Consolidation of Democracy in Chad

In any future projects of this type, youth must also be integrated as a beneficiary group. The involvement of young people in project activities could contribute to a further strengthening of the gender dimension and complementing the existing focus of the project on women.
Project Partner
Fondation pour la Démocratie et le Développement
Project Description
The project’s objective was to build the capacity at the grassroots level regarding democracy. This objective was pursued through training the population about citizen rights and freedoms, including establishing a permanent observatory for national and local electoral consultations, and the communication of information supporting the construction of a democratic state. The intervention directly targeted vulnerable groups, farmers (both women and men); and on a wider level also reached out to development actors, trainers of trainers and local facilitators; and employees of local, administrative and communal authorities. The project aimed to provide appropriate responses to the needs and difficulties faced by target beneficiary groups - women and vulnerable groups who were unable to take part in the electoral process. The method and the content of the training sessions as well as the message communicated via the educational media adopted were consistent with the project's objectives. It was also in line with the priorities set out in the country’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.
Evaluation Date
February 2011