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Lesson Learned: Civil Sector Capacity Building Initiative in Kazakhstan

Anecdotally, although the project did increase the visibility of the concept of NGO accountability through the workshops - which were publicized in the media - the concept of accountability was defined in such narrow terms that the results of the project were mainly found at a very low level specifically in the production of annual reports by each of the subgrantees.
Project Partner
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia
Project Description
The project sought to improve the quality of nongovernmental organizations’ (NGO) services and programmes by strengthening their capacity to effectively implement accountability standards. Its intended outcomes were: strengthened NGO capacity to implement accountability strategies and tools; strengthened capacity of donor community to foster participatory accountability within the NGO community; and increased public demand for greater NGO accountability to beneficiaries. The project design, however, was not well grounded in the larger concept of accountability, or in how donors incorporate these principles into the efforts they fund. It also did not take into consideration feedback received from potential partners and beneficiaries during the design, and did not adequately consult with donors who were identified as a target group.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Civil Sector Capacity Building Initiative in Kazakhstan

There was limited interest by the targeted beneficiaries in participating in the project. The grantee therefore had to abandon some of its activities and adapt others. Only five of the NGOs from the initial training for Accountability Coaches continued to participate in the second training on monitoring and evaluation; a third training focused almost exclusively on how to produce better annual reports for the NGOs chosen as subgrantees. Only three out of 75 contacted donors responded to the online survey of donor practices.
Project Partner
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia
Project Description
The project sought to improve the quality of nongovernmental organizations’ (NGO) services and programmes by strengthening their capacity to effectively implement accountability standards. Its intended outcomes were: strengthened NGO capacity to implement accountability strategies and tools; strengthened capacity of donor community to foster participatory accountability within the NGO community; and increased public demand for greater NGO accountability to beneficiaries. The project design, however, was not well grounded in the larger concept of accountability, or in how donors incorporate these principles into the efforts they fund. It also did not take into consideration feedback received from potential partners and beneficiaries during the design, and did not adequately consult with donors who were identified as a target group.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Civil Sector Capacity Building Initiative in Kazakhstan

The concept of accountability is important and needed in a context where many NGOs seek government funding to provide services. There is a need to ensure that NGOs in Kazakhstan are linked to their beneficiaries and for all NGOs to realize they need to be as accountable as they are asking their government to be. This would also include clarifying the NGOs’ vision and mission, developing their consultative structures and processes, and adopting integrity standards and regular public reporting processes.
Project Partner
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia
Project Description
The project sought to improve the quality of nongovernmental organizations’ (NGO) services and programmes by strengthening their capacity to effectively implement accountability standards. Its intended outcomes were: strengthened NGO capacity to implement accountability strategies and tools; strengthened capacity of donor community to foster participatory accountability within the NGO community; and increased public demand for greater NGO accountability to beneficiaries. The project design, however, was not well grounded in the larger concept of accountability, or in how donors incorporate these principles into the efforts they fund. It also did not take into consideration feedback received from potential partners and beneficiaries during the design, and did not adequately consult with donors who were identified as a target group.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Together against violence and discrimination of women

The project design was faulty and unlikely to have a positive impact on the problem of sexual and gender based violence. There were in fact indications that the project had a negative effect. Women involved in activities, because of the ingrained patriarchal culture, were pressured to stay silent. In addition the repetition of messages underlining the dependent status of women, and the perpetuation of traditional responses to incidences of violence that deny the legal rights of the woman, for example – were likely to be negative.
Project Partner
Association des Femmes de Tadjourah
Project Description
The objective of the project was to contribute to the elimination of violence and discrimination against women in 20 communes of Djibouti’s Tadjourah region. This was to be achieved through awareness raising and mobilisation of the local population; and by building the personal capacities of local actors and structures, followed by the creation of 20 local vigilance groups in the targeted communes. There was, however, a fundamental flaw in the design of the project that reflected a mismatch between the problem identified and the responses chosen. The grantee’s research identified the principal cause of violence against women as patriarchal attitudes and behaviours that relegate women to an inferior status in the couple, the community and the nation. A weak legal framework to support action to end violence, and weak implementation of existing clauses in the Constitution that promise gender equality were also found. The project did not address these causes but focused on raising the awareness of women, potentially putting them at risk of reprisals.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Support for Democratic Transition and Promotion of Citizenship

Some of the activities assigned to partners were not carried out neither were they replaced by other activities. There were great disparities between the activities and the achieved outcomes. The grantee could have reorganized its very ambitious and confusing results framework to link activities, outputs and outcomes more clearly. The grantee could benefit from training on results frameworks and monitoring.
Project Partner
Association Nationale de Développement Durable
Project Description
The project intended to tackle the low level of civic participation in the disadvantaged rural zones of central Tunisia and to boost the civic commitment of those populations. In addition to strengthening the capacity of local actors to transmit information about the election process, the project aimed to increase awareness of and participation of targeted groups - women, young adults and adolescents - in the mechanisms and the activities of Tunisian civil society. Taking into account the profile of the grantee’s partner organizations and the available resources, not all of the project’s objectives were realistic or achievable. The partners introduced important modifications to the expected results during project implementation and there were several delays which affected the way that activities were implemented.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Together against violence and discrimination of women

The project appeared to be effective, but only because the target indicators were quantitative and not qualitative. For example, the project achieved the indicator of training and installing 20 local vigilance groups in the 20 target sites, however evaluators found that the functioning of these groups was not likely to contribute to the project’s objectives.
Project Partner
Association des Femmes de Tadjourah
Project Description
The objective of the project was to contribute to the elimination of violence and discrimination against women in 20 communes of Djibouti’s Tadjourah region. This was to be achieved through awareness raising and mobilisation of the local population; and by building the personal capacities of local actors and structures, followed by the creation of 20 local vigilance groups in the targeted communes. There was, however, a fundamental flaw in the design of the project that reflected a mismatch between the problem identified and the responses chosen. The grantee’s research identified the principal cause of violence against women as patriarchal attitudes and behaviours that relegate women to an inferior status in the couple, the community and the nation. A weak legal framework to support action to end violence, and weak implementation of existing clauses in the Constitution that promise gender equality were also found. The project did not address these causes but focused on raising the awareness of women, potentially putting them at risk of reprisals.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Support for Democratic Transition and Promotion of Citizenship

The projects implementing partners had little experience in fund-raising which jeopardized the sustainability of the activities after the project closed. Information about fundraising strategies, key bilateral and multilateral funders as well as possible sources of corporate philanthropy should be shared among the project partners.
Project Partner
Association Nationale de Développement Durable
Project Description
The project intended to tackle the low level of civic participation in the disadvantaged rural zones of central Tunisia and to boost the civic commitment of those populations. In addition to strengthening the capacity of local actors to transmit information about the election process, the project aimed to increase awareness of and participation of targeted groups - women, young adults and adolescents - in the mechanisms and the activities of Tunisian civil society. Taking into account the profile of the grantee’s partner organizations and the available resources, not all of the project’s objectives were realistic or achievable. The partners introduced important modifications to the expected results during project implementation and there were several delays which affected the way that activities were implemented.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Civil Sector Capacity Building Initiative in Kazakhstan

The lack of NGO continuity in the different activities limited the sustainability of the project’s outcomes. The increased knowledge gained by some in the preparation of annual reports is likely to be limited only to those individuals who produced them.
Project Partner
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia
Project Description
The project sought to improve the quality of nongovernmental organizations’ (NGO) services and programmes by strengthening their capacity to effectively implement accountability standards. Its intended outcomes were: strengthened NGO capacity to implement accountability strategies and tools; strengthened capacity of donor community to foster participatory accountability within the NGO community; and increased public demand for greater NGO accountability to beneficiaries. The project design, however, was not well grounded in the larger concept of accountability, or in how donors incorporate these principles into the efforts they fund. It also did not take into consideration feedback received from potential partners and beneficiaries during the design, and did not adequately consult with donors who were identified as a target group.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Support for Democratic Transition and Promotion of Citizenship

The field research undertaken as part of the project interviewed a wide sample of citizens and provided a precise diagnosis of the electoral behaviour of those communities, but the end-product was too academic and lacked digestible messages that could be easily communicated as part of sensitization activities.
Project Partner
Association Nationale de Développement Durable
Project Description
The project intended to tackle the low level of civic participation in the disadvantaged rural zones of central Tunisia and to boost the civic commitment of those populations. In addition to strengthening the capacity of local actors to transmit information about the election process, the project aimed to increase awareness of and participation of targeted groups - women, young adults and adolescents - in the mechanisms and the activities of Tunisian civil society. Taking into account the profile of the grantee’s partner organizations and the available resources, not all of the project’s objectives were realistic or achievable. The partners introduced important modifications to the expected results during project implementation and there were several delays which affected the way that activities were implemented.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Support for Democratic Transition and Promotion of Citizenship

The students who participated in the reflection process on the new constitution gained a better understanding about the importance of democratic values. It is hoped that those achievements will counterbalance the influence of the religious radical rhetoric.
Project Partner
Association Nationale de Développement Durable
Project Description
The project intended to tackle the low level of civic participation in the disadvantaged rural zones of central Tunisia and to boost the civic commitment of those populations. In addition to strengthening the capacity of local actors to transmit information about the election process, the project aimed to increase awareness of and participation of targeted groups - women, young adults and adolescents - in the mechanisms and the activities of Tunisian civil society. Taking into account the profile of the grantee’s partner organizations and the available resources, not all of the project’s objectives were realistic or achievable. The partners introduced important modifications to the expected results during project implementation and there were several delays which affected the way that activities were implemented.
Evaluation Date
March 2016