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Lesson Learned: A New Constitution: Historical Opportunity to Advance Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in Chile

When significant events threaten to alter the course or delivery of a project, as well as having the flexibility to extend in time it may also be beneficial to review Results Frameworks and adjust objectives and target indicators. Risk management should not shy away from worst case scenarios (who would have thought that after so much effort in Chile to draft a new Constitution during 2021-2023, there would be so little to show for it?).

Project Partner
Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género
Project Description
The project objective is to promote women’s participation and gender content in Chile’s current constitutional process; advance women’s understanding of a new constitution’s importance to them and their rights; generate debates on key gender issues; advocate for the inclusion of gender aspects in the drafting process. The project is highly relevant in the Covid-19 world and its aftermath, where it will be essential to address the massive impact of the crisis on women, ensuring that responses uphold their rights and are inclusive of their needs.
Evaluation Date
May 2024

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Grassroots Women’s Groups to Promote and Protect Civic Space in Uganda

Prevailing poverty, a reality for many grassroots women, makes it hard for them to focus on pushing for their rights over economic necessity. In fact, economic empowerment can put people in a position to care more about the former and therefore projects that look to advance rights at this level should seek to incorporate an economic development component as part of the wider project.
Project Partner
All in One Womens Association
Project Description
The project goal is to empower 6,000 women by raising awareness of their gender specific rights, promoting women’s political participation, and addressing all forms of injustices that affect women’s wellbeing; strengthen the capacity of 100 unregistered women’s groups to become registered under the NGOs Act 2016; and support 100 registered women’s groups in advocating, promoting and protecting civic space in Uganda. Project activities will incorporate actions in response to the Covid-19 crisis, as it impacts women, including gender-based violence as well as social and economic pressures.
Evaluation Date
July 2023

Lesson Learned: Citizens: empowering local communities, improving local governance

This project has demonstrated that even in the complex and difficult context of Palestine, setting realistic objectives in terms of the number of beneficiaries and communities of intervention, and adopting a pragmatic approach that includes relevant and useful activities such as training and community services, can engage different target groups, regardless of their political affiliations and sensitivities, and generate impact at both the individual and community levels.

Project Partner
Zimam for Creativity and Development
Project Description
Zimam’s Leadership Incubator wants to inspire young leaders and give them the confidence and training to inspire their communities. The program offers policy and problem-solving workshops, engagement and meetings with business, political, and social leaders, and opportunities for youth to implement their own initiatives aimed at social transformation. In doing so, we can empower young people to realize their potential as confident and capable change-makers who can lead their communities. Project activities also incorporate actions in response to the Covid-19 crisis as it impacts youth.
Evaluation Date
March 2023

Lesson Learned: Democracy Academy for Young Adults in El Salvador

The adaptation strategy to the COVID-19 pandemic was key for the project success. In this regard, a strategy aimed at adapting methods to changing, external circumstances (natural, pandemic and/or geopolitical), going beyond the risks inherent to the project’s internal design, and defining the actions and measures to be to be taken should such potential changes materialize should also continue to be considered systematically in all UNDEF projects.

Project Partner
Fundación Salvadoreña para el Desarrollo Económico y Social
Project Description
The Democracy Academy for Young Adults (DAY) is a project that contributes to the strengthening and the promotion ofe democracy through the formation and active participation of young leaders in spaces of dialogue, social control, and defense of the democratic system with civil society and key political actors. The digital platforms used are essential to deepen and expand the exercise of democratic practices in this time of technological revolution.
Evaluation Date
March 2023

Lesson Learned: Improving Maya Women's Access to Justice in Rural Guatemala

Risk assessments can include a do no harm analysis: The implementing agency had a risk assessment which identified potential risks to not achieving project targets. A risk assessment could also be expanded to identify potential risks to participants for their participation in the project. These risks can be identified initially and then continuously monitored throughout project implementation through feedback mechanisms and special studies.
Project Partner
Women's Justice Initiative
Project Description
This project seeks to improve access to justice for some 2,900 indigenous women living in rural areas of Tecpan, Guatemala through free legal support, accompaniment of survivors, and strengthening local governance and municipal response to violence against women and girls. In addition, the project aims to increase the capacities of 175 key public actors including community leaders, service providers, and police at the local, municipal, and departmental level to provide quality services to indigenous survivors and promote human rights.
Evaluation Date
March 2022

Lesson Learned: Promoting Participatory Governance and the Rule of Law in South Kivu

The methodology of this evaluation (remotely, through the collection of evaluation data by a team of investigators provided by the grantee and instructed by the evaluator), in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic was very beneficial in terms of the involvement of the grantee in information gathering and ownership of the evaluation process.
Project Partner
Project Description
In a context characterized by the recurrence of violations of human rights and freedoms, the project aims to respond to the major problem, identified by the Protection Cluster, which is "attacks on the right to life, dignity and freedom. "integrity of the person". This will be done through reactive, corrective and constructive actions, with technical support to the local Volunteer and Volunteer Community-CLOC Local Organizing Committees. This support includes: (1) Capacity building through training for members of these community structures and local authorities on the protection, promotion of human rights and community mediation, and on the reduction of human rights violations.(2) Technical and material support for advocacy, awareness-raising and mediation actions aimed at strengthening collaboration between the civilian population and local civil and military authorities and (3) easy access for victims to appropriate care services.
Evaluation Date
January 2022

Lesson Learned: Promoting Participatory Governance and the Rule of Law in South Kivu

The measures taken by the project in order to adapt to the COVID 19 pandemic (which included the development of COVID-related awareness campaigns, the implementation of concrete measures to avoid the spread of COVID during the implementation of project activities and the necessary budgetary reallocations to accommodate for the purchase of sanitary protection material) were also key to ensuring the success of the project.
Project Partner
Project Description
In a context characterized by the recurrence of violations of human rights and freedoms, the project aims to respond to the major problem, identified by the Protection Cluster, which is "attacks on the right to life, dignity and freedom. "integrity of the person". This will be done through reactive, corrective and constructive actions, with technical support to the local Volunteer and Volunteer Community-CLOC Local Organizing Committees. This support includes: (1) Capacity building through training for members of these community structures and local authorities on the protection, promotion of human rights and community mediation, and on the reduction of human rights violations.(2) Technical and material support for advocacy, awareness-raising and mediation actions aimed at strengthening collaboration between the civilian population and local civil and military authorities and (3) easy access for victims to appropriate care services.
Evaluation Date
January 2022

Lesson Learned: Tunisia - Meta Evaluation Report

In addition to UNDEF’s already existing procedures and practices, grantees should be encouraged to build deeper synergies between project components for coherence, and trust among participants and stakeholders through the application of specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) criteria for their and partners’ activities. This is especially critical for projects in which grantees provide capacity development opportunities and sub-grants to local partners around project cycle management. This can alleviate risks related to potential delays in proposed timeframes, without compromising the overall timeline of the project and its objective.
Project Partner
Various CSOs
Project Description
The Tunisia meta-evaluation of UNDEF-funded projects implemented between 2013 and 2021 shows positive trends at two principal levels: (1) with respect to Tunisia’s overall development context and needs; and (2) with respect to local democracy-building (sub-national, sub-regional, and in marginalized areas) via projects that commit to a participatory CSO-centric approach. Most successful UNDEF project strategies fall within two broad categories: (1) project designs based on regular participation by partners and stakeholders, especially when these are engaged in finetuning activities and their content; (2) participatory models connecting citizens, CSOs and local authorities (as seen in joint activity designs). Gender and youth elements are prioritized and integrated throughout the projects and within activities, albeit at different levels of effectiveness. A critical element of the meta-evaluation is the identification of synergies across projects, as well as trends that have slowed, stalled, or provided implementation challenges to projects, with recommendation to alleviate these in future. Coherence and Relevance To date (2013-2021), UNDEF has funded 17 projects that have buttressed Tunisia’s democratic transition by supporting government strategic priorities and aligning with broader democracy-assistance funding trends. UNDEF-funded projects have a clear CSO focus and stress participatory and dialogue-based project designs. UNDEF has a niche advantage of funding geographically diverse projects, implemented at the local level by smaller CSOs with solid areas of expertise and ability to work effectively within marginalized areas, where need is highest. At the time of implementation, and under the framework of the priorities defined by government-donor strategic plans, all projects addressed relevant and urgent democracy needs, and responded to the needs of target groups. UNDEF projects which were geographically diverse, with a significant focus on local communities and marginalized areas, were relevant. Effectiveness With nearly all projects facing contextual and institutional delays, effectiveness depended on three main factors: (1) the capacity, expertise, and issue-specific strength of the UNDEF’s grantees, (2) the adaptability of project design (elasticity) and clearly identified project objectives and activities, (3) as well as timely communication and consultation with all partners and stakeholders. Three trends can be highlighted. First, trainings were seen by most project participants as useful and successful but could sometimes have been more effective had they been clearly articulated around the other project components, especially advocacy, during the design phase, to better harness the newly acquired knowledge. Second, UNDEF’s grantees successfully identified a niche area of working directly with newly established municipalities on participative democracy and several projects were effective in achieving their objectives. Third, positive results were also obtained when well-defined methods, such as coaching and mentoring, or techniques for establishing new participatory budgeting processes were applied. Efficiency Efficiency varied widely among projects and was largely impacted by institutional delays and a continuing depreciation of the local currency. The increase in funds resulting from this depreciation missed opportunities in optimizing budget use and enhancing the projects’ general efficiency. Efficiency was neither improved nor impaired by low utilization rates or extensions. Nevertheless, and despite the limited amounts allocated to partnerships, the latter generally enhanced efficiency, especially in finding solutions to implementation and contextual issues. Impact We found highest impact at the CSO-level, where civil society was strengthened through its engagement with local authorities and citizen trainings, broadening of CSO networks, and expanding in geographic reach. UNDEF-funded projects have positively impacted citizen trust in local democracy by augmenting participation in local governance beyond elections. Activities that included participatory and dialogue-based elements across project designs showed positive effects, as did projects that work at multi-scalar levels or focused on niche-expert issues. Gender-specific activities also yielded positive impact. Sustainability Projects that supported long-term processes and mechanisms, that produce activities and materials adaptable over-time and in different geographic regions, have the highest potential for achieving sustainability. We found sustainability trends in participatory mechanisms at the local level especially in municipalities, among local partners who continued their partnership beyond the life of the UNDEF-grant pro-bono or with new funding, and in some platforms and materials that are adaptable over time. We also found sustainability among CSOs and partners that were able to secure new funding streams after the completion of UNDEF-grants and expanding their activities thematically and geographically. UNDEF-Added Value A critical value is that UNDEF-funded projects are not affected by Tunisia's polarized political context. The range of grantees shows that UNDEF works well with partners across political and ideological orientations. UNDEF-projects also complement larger development initiatives by working at the expert-local level, with a (self-evident) focus on marginalized areas where development need is highest. Conclusions & Recommendations The meta-evaluation concludes that UNDEF-funded projects carried out by knowledgeable grantees with technical expertise relevant to the scope of activities have demonstrated strongest project designs and problem-solving skills, enhanced by what this evaluation refers to as “project elasticity.” These qualities result in effective, efficient, coherent and context-relevant initiatives. Projects that build strategies to transfer ownership of processes to participants and stakeholders have the highest potential for effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. This evaluation proposes a set of recommendations around processes to further strengthen UNDEF-funded work in Tunisia in the future. UNDEF is at a competitive advantage to continue funding both local expert CSOs (e.g., capital-based), as well as smaller grassroots organizations. Recommendations for processes include on-going reviews of activities as they function coherently in project designs, and as these relate to contextual needs in the near future, in which Tunisia is moving towards democratic consolidation. Project implementation partnerships play an important role in varying degrees throughout all grants and are critical to the transfer of ownership and sustainability – recommendations specifically address this process and relationship. The evaluation also recommends a centralized platform of all UNDEF-funded materials, as these are useful for future project designs and contain critical information for future grantees.
Evaluation Date
May 2021