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Lesson Learned: Support for Elections in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Measuring the acquisition of knowledge is just one component, it is also important to try and measure, or show, how that knowledge is applied in practice.
Project Partner
Stakeholder Democracy Network
Project Description
Elections in Nigeria, and especially in its oil-producing Niger Delta states, have in the past been disputed and given rise to violence. One of these states, Bayelsa, is due to choose a new governor in 2020 in what is expected to be a hotly contested election. The project seeks to minimize the risk of dispute and help to ensure the election is free, fair, and credible. It will support the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission to train staff engaged to oversee polling in at-risk areas in the procedures necessary to do so effectively. It will support the creation of a database to register party political agents in three areas, reducing the risk of unidentifiable persons engaging in illegal political activity. Activities will also include voter education across the target areas, aiming to reach 1,350 citizens in workshops and 170,000 via a public campaign, seeking to inform citizens on how to prevent votes from being stolen or manipulated.
Evaluation Date
August 2021

Lesson Learned: Advocating for Community Radio in Zimbabwe

Community Radio Initiatives cannot survive in isolation and detached from broader national structure. It is critical that they foster memoranda of agreement with journalism training universities to sharpen their capacity and benefit from exchanges.
Project Partner
Amnesty International Zimbabwe
Project Description
The project will advocate for licensing community radio institutions in Zimbabwe. This will be achieved by means of: (a) coordinated civil society stakeholders and citizens advocacy and petitioning the Government and its related institutions through a united and strong effort; (b) policy and regulatory review and reform of community broadcasting and the process required for licensing; and (c) developing the capacity of 10 target community radio institutions (CRIs) for licensing.
Evaluation Date
December 2020

Lesson Learned: Helping Teenagers to Transform their Communities in Ukraine

Simplicity is key: design simple yet clear guidelines for all competition stages and provide extensive training to all teenage and adult beneficiaries early in the project if they design a progressive competition.
Project Description
The project aims to foster civic participation of young people in Ukraine by training them to become responsible and pro-active citizens. The central activity of the project is a non-formal civic education training program in four stages that will train teenagers to become "Junior Agents of Change" in four pilot cities. Trained Junior Agents of Change will implement development projects aiming for the transformation of their social environment and the development of their communities.
Evaluation Date
September 2020

Lesson Learned: Learning Democracy DemoLab in Hungary

Experimentation is an important element of innovative projects that necessarily brings risks. Both the project promoters (grantees) and the donor organisations should take these

into account. It is crucial to allow sufficient time for the preparation of certain experimental education activities, especially as capacity-building is often needed also for the ‘facilitators’ (e.g. teachers, artists), i.e. ‘train-the-trainers’ activities should be considered.
Project Partner
Foundation for Democratic Youth
Project Description
The project offers a unique opportunity for experiential learning for young people of all walks of life. It enables them to acquire basic personal, social and citizenship skills and experience a democratic and safe environment in which they are encouraged to take initiatives of their own. This will happen through regularly organized Demo Lab sessions in high schools, boot camps in the summer and assemblies at the beginning of the school year, to empower young Hungarians to take active part in shaping their communities and society, and to inspire others to follow suit.
Evaluation Date
September 2020

Lesson Learned: Empowering Female and Youth Domestic Workers in Uganda

Training individual duty-bearers can impact on their own attitudes but rarely has a wider or organizational impact.
Project Partner
Platform for Labour Action
Project Description
The project aims to promote the recognition of domestic work as decent work and domestic workers (WDs) contribution to society. 3500 domestic workers reached will be positioned to take individual and collective actions to improve working conditions. Two Associations of existing 61 mutual support groups of the domestic workers will be established to build solidarity and support for each other, develop advocacy strategies and represent themselves with support from PLA in influencing change. This project will also further the participation of female and youth DWs in claiming their rights, accessing services including legal aid and inclusion in decision making in policy, local and national government processes.
Evaluation Date
September 2020

Lesson Learned: Rural Media Development for Promoting Democracy and Human Rights

The training itself was well-structured and involved separate training sessions for journalists and CSO/NGO representatives followed by joint sessions of both groups plus editors. The content itself was highly engaging and relevant to participants teaching them about human rights but also building their professional skills; and involving both theoretical and field based training.
Project Partner
News Network
Project Description
This was a well-structured project which laid the foundation for a nationwide network of journalists concerned with human rights issues, particularly in rural marginalized areas. The project was relevant and much needed given the context of human rights abuses and the suppression of the media. It was also appropriate, although there are constraints there is sufficient democratic space for human rights influenced journalism since journalists were able to write about a range of human rights issues and call duty-bearers to account. The project also met its objectives: the skills of journalists in relation to human rights issues have been enhanced, reporting on human rights has increased, and civil society capacity to understand how the media works has improved – though closer engagement between NGOs and the media could be further strengthened.
Evaluation Date
November 2017

Lesson Learned: Rural Media Development for Promoting Democracy and Human Rights

The training materials and techniques were effective. The training was based on a standardised 57 page training manual covering everything from training techniques through to democracy and human rights issues, the international and local context and laws, human rights mechanisms, the security and responsibility of journalists, defamation, use of social media, and professional skills - preparing, authenticating, cross checking reports, handling sources etc. The training involved a combination of lectures, group work and field visits.
Project Partner
News Network
Project Description
This was a well-structured project which laid the foundation for a nationwide network of journalists concerned with human rights issues, particularly in rural marginalized areas. The project was relevant and much needed given the context of human rights abuses and the suppression of the media. It was also appropriate, although there are constraints there is sufficient democratic space for human rights influenced journalism since journalists were able to write about a range of human rights issues and call duty-bearers to account. The project also met its objectives: the skills of journalists in relation to human rights issues have been enhanced, reporting on human rights has increased, and civil society capacity to understand how the media works has improved – though closer engagement between NGOs and the media could be further strengthened.
Evaluation Date
November 2017

Lesson Learned: Rural Media Development for Promoting Democracy and Human Rights

The project was output driven. The participants came away with concrete published articles at the end of the process. In addition, the award and competition for best article held in both years of the project, 2015 and 2016, did much to invigorate human rights reporting by participants after the course was over and in a cost effective way.
Project Partner
News Network
Project Description
This was a well-structured project which laid the foundation for a nationwide network of journalists concerned with human rights issues, particularly in rural marginalized areas. The project was relevant and much needed given the context of human rights abuses and the suppression of the media. It was also appropriate, although there are constraints there is sufficient democratic space for human rights influenced journalism since journalists were able to write about a range of human rights issues and call duty-bearers to account. The project also met its objectives: the skills of journalists in relation to human rights issues have been enhanced, reporting on human rights has increased, and civil society capacity to understand how the media works has improved – though closer engagement between NGOs and the media could be further strengthened.
Evaluation Date
November 2017

Lesson Learned: Civic education and empowerment for more women in leadership, from villages to parliament in Fiji

As part of the capacity building process, at the end of the training session, each facilitator had to submit to the class a project proposal, including a selection of the topics more relevant for her own communities, including an action plan and a budget. This was a very practical approach that worked. The action plan was also a condition for the release of funds to start implementing workshops at the local level.
Project Partner
National Council of Women Fiji
Project Description
The project aimed to increase women’s representation in public office as part of wider support for women’s representation in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project strategy was structured around three expected outcomes: increased awareness and knowledge of civic education principles among potential women leaders in Fiji; increased capacity of potential women leaders for active participation in civil leadership within both parliament and administrative boards and councils in Fiji and increased awareness within the broader community of the importance of the involvement of women in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project had some success, in particular in training marginal women who are usually excluded from mainstream education and in working with church groups and political parties from across the political spectrum. Implementation, however, was marred by a number of administrative and management shortcomings including a lack of SMART indicators and irregular communication. In addition, the project encountered a number of external challenges including political tensions that generated delays in implementation and the tropical cyclone in February 2016 that left homeless ten thousands of people.
Evaluation Date
July 2016

Lesson Learned: Promotion of Women’s Empowerment and Rights in Somalia

Cascade training carried out by the CSOs meant the acquired knowledge did not just stay with the leaders but extended to staff and volunteers of the organizations. Since turnover of staff is always a problem in relation to the sustainability of training, the spreading of capacity throughout the organizations is a positive sign.
Project Partner
Centre for Education and Development
Project Description
To increase representation and participation of women in social, economic and political activities in Somalia, the project focused on training and providing support to 20 CSO partners, through mentoring, exchanges, and networking. Grassroots awareness was raised through the CSOs and via the media, as well as through a series of school debates. Advocacy targeting regional and national officials was carried out through meetings and the development of regional and national strategies on women’s empowerment. A final component of the project tested the new capacity of these CSOs, by awarding 10 USD2,000 grants to CSOs which submitted the most innovative projects on women’s empowerment. The project was well designed, with a number of components that helped it both to empower women in the 20 participating CSOs and beyond. It was also timely, given discussions on a new Constitution and elections announced for 2016. The actions planned were carried out and met their targets. There were no superfluous components in the project; each was designed to add value to other parts of the project.
Evaluation Date
June 2016