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Lesson Learned: Youth local councils for civic engagement and social change in Palestine

At the time of the evaluation, seven months after project completion, the Youth Local Councils (YLC) in Palestine were still functioning and most were scheduling new elections for the coming months. This was most likely due to the grantee’s approach, which bridged the gap between acquisition of knowledge (in this case of democracy, governance and leadership) and practical action in service to the community (here through the medium of the YLCs).


Project Partner
Almawrid Teacher Development Centre
Project Description
The project focused on the creation of Youth Local Councils (YLC) in six villages in the West Bank – two in the north, two in the central area and two further south. All the young people in these villages were mobilized to register to vote in the YLC elections and underwent training in citizenship, democracy and electoral processes. Families, municipal councils, local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community members were involved in the campaign meetings or in overseeing the elections. The YLCs then received further training in the skills they would need in order to ‘govern’ effectively: negotiation, leadership, conducting meetings, fundraising, strategic planning and community action. They consulted with their youth constituents, the municipal council and community members, to devise a plan of action to contribute to their communities’ needs, and subsequently undertook a wide range of cultural and social activities, ranging from computer classes for other young people to the painting and renovation of school buildings.
Evaluation Date
December 2013

Lesson Learned: Youth local councils for civic engagement and social change in Palestine

The young people themselves had creative ideas about how to secure both funds and in-kind support for their activities; however repeatedly having to source such support can over time become a disincentive to participation. Despite the strong commitment to volunteerism created and promoted by the project, it would have been a good idea to increase the attention given to fundraising during the training provided to the elected Youth Local Council members and to bring in an experienced fundraiser to deliver such training so that the young participants would have access to the resources necessary to implement their many creative ideas.
Project Partner
Almawrid Teacher Development Centre
Project Description
The project focused on the creation of Youth Local Councils (YLC) in six villages in the West Bank – two in the north, two in the central area and two further south. All the young people in these villages were mobilized to register to vote in the YLC elections and underwent training in citizenship, democracy and electoral processes. Families, municipal councils, local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community members were involved in the campaign meetings or in overseeing the elections. The YLCs then received further training in the skills they would need in order to ‘govern’ effectively: negotiation, leadership, conducting meetings, fundraising, strategic planning and community action. They consulted with their youth constituents, the municipal council and community members, to devise a plan of action to contribute to their communities’ needs, and subsequently undertook a wide range of cultural and social activities, ranging from computer classes for other young people to the painting and renovation of school buildings.
Evaluation Date
December 2013

Lesson Learned: Renforcement des capacités de formation en leadership pour renforcer la participation des femmes dans la vie publique (Algérie)

One of the expected mechanisms of sustainability foreseen – the training of trainers – did not take place. The concrete outputs – a video documentary and a “study” based on an opinion poll – are not of sufficient quality to be usable in Algeria. Although some of the women who participated came together in an informal “network”, experience suggests that the sustainability of such a network will depend entirely on the efforts of those involved in it and/or of a strategic approach to its maintenance by the grantee.
Project Partner
Project Description
The project’s principal objective was to build the capacity of women who are involved in NGOs, trade unions and political parties so that they have the confidence to participate in governance, particularly in local bodies in Algeria. This was to be achieved through leadership training in eight districts for at least 500 women; and a series of four seminars on women’s role in public life for at least 300 women. While the project was relevant, it was only partly effective, not efficient and difficult to judge its impact and sustainability.
Evaluation Date
November 2013

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Governance and Democratization Processes in Kenya and the East and Central Africa Region

The grantee undertook 12 workshops in different counties to train individuals from community and faith based organizations on election observation. This two-day training was effective and useful since the participants shared the information about electoral monitoring and participation with their organizations and networks following the training.
Project Partner
Institute For Education In Democracy
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen the capacity grassroots organizations, and enhance the participation of citizens in governance to promote a democratic culture in Kenya and in eastern and central Africa. While some project activities were highly relevant and empowering to individual beneficiaries, others lacked follow-up. Among the project’s successes were the election observation trainings which had a multiplier effect with grassroots organizations. Following the workshop trainings, 12 observation groups were established to monitor the Kenyan election of 2013, all of which later obtained a long-term accreditation status as election observers. In general, the project was activity-driven which made outcomes and institutional impact difficult to assess. Project design showed some weaknesses, as several challenges that appeared during implementation could have been anticipated by the grantee beforehand. For example, the shortage of staff and a better coordination with the electoral timeline in Kenya could have ensured a smoother implementation.
Evaluation Date
November 2013

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Governance and Democratization Processes in Kenya and the East and Central Africa Region

The grantee undertook an open and rigorous selection process for its training participants. This helped ensure they represented a mix of community based organizations and were suitably qualified to benefit from the training.
Project Partner
Institute For Education In Democracy
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen the capacity grassroots organizations, and enhance the participation of citizens in governance to promote a democratic culture in Kenya and in eastern and central Africa. While some project activities were highly relevant and empowering to individual beneficiaries, others lacked follow-up. Among the project’s successes were the election observation trainings which had a multiplier effect with grassroots organizations. Following the workshop trainings, 12 observation groups were established to monitor the Kenyan election of 2013, all of which later obtained a long-term accreditation status as election observers. In general, the project was activity-driven which made outcomes and institutional impact difficult to assess. Project design showed some weaknesses, as several challenges that appeared during implementation could have been anticipated by the grantee beforehand. For example, the shortage of staff and a better coordination with the electoral timeline in Kenya could have ensured a smoother implementation.
Evaluation Date
November 2013

Lesson Learned: Access to Justice and Human Rights Education (Rwanda)

The project improved the training provided to the university law students by introducing a practical dimension that brought them closer to local issues and realities. It also significantly raised awareness among law students in the capital about the legal situation and recurrent problems in rural areas and how the law was enforced there.
Project Partner
Human Rights First Rwanda Association
Project Description
The project’s general objective was to increase access to justice for marginalized groups among the rural population of the southern district of Kamonyi, including people living with HIV/AIDS and the Twa ethnic minority. The project document highlighted that access to justice in Rwanda was a privilege reserved for the elite: an urban prerogative that discriminates against uneducated, low-income populations living largely in rural areas. The project was built around three main areas of activity: providing direct access to free legal assistance, through the opening and daily operation of a Legal Aid Clinic in the rural district of Kamonyi; setting up a citizens’ system and strengthening local capacity to address judicial issues through the education and training of paralegals; and creating a responsible and solidarity-based dynamic where law students provided direct legal as part of their school curriculum. The project was highly relevant, as it was tailored to local legal mechanisms put in place by the national framework to reform and decentralize the justice system. Overall the project improved legal structures and services in the Kamnoyi district and contributed to greater justice at the local level.
Evaluation Date
September 2013

Lesson Learned: Access to Justice and Human Rights Education (Rwanda)

The project could have further developed the printed support material and continued distributing it to paralegals so that it could be replicated and assimilated into other ongoing activities. The material should have been more didactic while maintaining a flexible format. The material should have been written in the local language with a more manageable length using clear examples and visual illustrations.
Project Partner
Human Rights First Rwanda Association
Project Description
The project’s general objective was to increase access to justice for marginalized groups among the rural population of the southern district of Kamonyi, including people living with HIV/AIDS and the Twa ethnic minority. The project document highlighted that access to justice in Rwanda was a privilege reserved for the elite: an urban prerogative that discriminates against uneducated, low-income populations living largely in rural areas. The project was built around three main areas of activity: providing direct access to free legal assistance, through the opening and daily operation of a Legal Aid Clinic in the rural district of Kamonyi; setting up a citizens’ system and strengthening local capacity to address judicial issues through the education and training of paralegals; and creating a responsible and solidarity-based dynamic where law students provided direct legal as part of their school curriculum. The project was highly relevant, as it was tailored to local legal mechanisms put in place by the national framework to reform and decentralize the justice system. Overall the project improved legal structures and services in the Kamnoyi district and contributed to greater justice at the local level.
Evaluation Date
September 2013

Lesson Learned: Access to Justice and Human Rights Education (Rwanda)

The grantee focused on upgrading the paralegals’ skills. This was based on their strategic vision of building human capital. The project sought to create a multiplier effect by training volunteer paralegals and law students who would then apply their knowledge and experience in rural areas to foster a better understanding of the law and the settlement of disputes once the project had been completed.
Project Partner
Human Rights First Rwanda Association
Project Description
The project’s general objective was to increase access to justice for marginalized groups among the rural population of the southern district of Kamonyi, including people living with HIV/AIDS and the Twa ethnic minority. The project document highlighted that access to justice in Rwanda was a privilege reserved for the elite: an urban prerogative that discriminates against uneducated, low-income populations living largely in rural areas. The project was built around three main areas of activity: providing direct access to free legal assistance, through the opening and daily operation of a Legal Aid Clinic in the rural district of Kamonyi; setting up a citizens’ system and strengthening local capacity to address judicial issues through the education and training of paralegals; and creating a responsible and solidarity-based dynamic where law students provided direct legal as part of their school curriculum. The project was highly relevant, as it was tailored to local legal mechanisms put in place by the national framework to reform and decentralize the justice system. Overall the project improved legal structures and services in the Kamnoyi district and contributed to greater justice at the local level.
Evaluation Date
September 2013

Lesson Learned: Supporting civic participation of grassroots communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The training sessions for grass-roots trainers were largely one-offs. The failure to build on these sessions made it difficult to assess the extent to which participants had understood and were able to use the knowledge imparted to them. The same applies to the guided tours to the offices of local administrations, and therefore it is unclear if participants acquired a sufficient understanding of administrative processes to conduct lobbying or other activities.

Project Partner
Organisation Paix, Unité, Réconciliation, Reconstruction
Project Description
The objective of the project was to enhance citizens’ access and involvement in local governance in 50 communities in Kinshasa and Maniema Provinces. According to the grantee’s analysis elections were a time of apparent democracy, because neither the administration nor elected officials were actually accountable to citizens for their actions. Therefore, the project aimed to raise awareness among grassroots communities about the importance of participating in local governance; to involve grassroots communities in identifying information, training and support needs for participatory governance; and to document and learn from local experience in relation to participatory governance. The project’s relevance, however, was limited as its scale of action was too small to enhance democratic culture at the level of entire communities, as suggested by the grantee; and it failed to highlight the need for women’s participation in governance.
Evaluation Date
June 2013

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Dialogue for Community Decision-Making

The project benefited from prioritizing women’s rights. Women targeted by training activities made good use of the knowledge they acquired, thanks in part to the grantee’s use of experienced trainers, including UN experts. However, the effectiveness of the grantee’s strategy would be improved by also including men systematically in training, awareness raising and lobbying for women’s rights.

Project Partner
Radio Canal Revelation
Project Description
The objective of the project was to involve grassroots communities with democratization processes across the Ituri District in the Province Orientale of the Democratic Republic of Congo. To achieve this, the grantee planned to strengthen the capacity of radio listeners’ clubs through training and practical support; to organize community debates using the radio listeners’ clubs; to produce radio broadcasts based on the community debates and on roundtable meetings between communities and officials; and to produce a range of news and educational broadcasts. The project provided local communities with knowledge they could use to convey their concerns to the authorities. It encouraged dialogue by inviting local political leaders to debate with communities and members of radio listeners’ clubs. The various elements of the project formed a well thought-out and organic whole, which was able to foster positive changes at community level. The focus on women’s participation in democratic debates was also relevant, and connected to the emphasis on access to broadcast news.
Evaluation Date
June 2013