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Lesson Learned: Advancing Gender Justice with Community Broadcasters in Kyrgyzstan

Challenges on gender in Kyrgyzstan still consist of polarized public opinion, declining women's participation in the political system, radicalization and religious extremism, media messaging on negative stereotypes. There is demand for high-quality media programming that promotes more positive role models for women in Kyrgyz society.
Project Partner
Community Mass Media Association
Project Description
This project aims to strengthen the transformative role of community media (community radio and community multimedia centers) in Kyrgyzstan to reduce gender-based violence (GBV) and to promote positive role models for women in their respective communities. The project will cover all regions in Kyrgyzstan and work with key stakeholders, including journalists, women activists, rural women as well local government officials through three integrated outcomes focused on stakeholder capacity building, public awareness raising, and support for dialogues.
Evaluation Date
April 2022

Lesson Learned: Advancing Gender Justice with Community Broadcasters in Kyrgyzstan

Community media is key in Kyrgyzstan, given the geographic challenges of rural communities in remote and mountainous locations, where regional news do not reach the country as a whole, and vice versa. Alternative channels of access to information complement national and regional information. It is thus key in advancing gender justice through gender-sensitive information and conscious opposition to gender stereotypes.
Project Partner
Community Mass Media Association
Project Description
This project aims to strengthen the transformative role of community media (community radio and community multimedia centers) in Kyrgyzstan to reduce gender-based violence (GBV) and to promote positive role models for women in their respective communities. The project will cover all regions in Kyrgyzstan and work with key stakeholders, including journalists, women activists, rural women as well local government officials through three integrated outcomes focused on stakeholder capacity building, public awareness raising, and support for dialogues.
Evaluation Date
April 2022

Lesson Learned: Advancing Gender Justice with Community Broadcasters in Kyrgyzstan

Foreign funding is a matter of controversy and concern in Kyrgyzstan, especially as it relates to media engagement. UNDEF’s support proved valuable as a neutral, credible, and legitimate source of funding. It allowed for activists and journalists from very different regions, political views, social backgrounds to meet and work together, without prejudice, and achieve results from productive and meaningful collaborations.
Project Partner
Community Mass Media Association
Project Description
This project aims to strengthen the transformative role of community media (community radio and community multimedia centers) in Kyrgyzstan to reduce gender-based violence (GBV) and to promote positive role models for women in their respective communities. The project will cover all regions in Kyrgyzstan and work with key stakeholders, including journalists, women activists, rural women as well local government officials through three integrated outcomes focused on stakeholder capacity building, public awareness raising, and support for dialogues.
Evaluation Date
April 2022

Lesson Learned: Support for Elections in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Radio remains a key medium for reaching out to, and engaging with, communities in the state in a cost-effective way.
Project Partner
Stakeholder Democracy Network
Project Description
Elections in Nigeria, and especially in its oil-producing Niger Delta states, have in the past been disputed and given rise to violence. One of these states, Bayelsa, is due to choose a new governor in 2020 in what is expected to be a hotly contested election. The project seeks to minimize the risk of dispute and help to ensure the election is free, fair, and credible. It will support the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission to train staff engaged to oversee polling in at-risk areas in the procedures necessary to do so effectively. It will support the creation of a database to register party political agents in three areas, reducing the risk of unidentifiable persons engaging in illegal political activity. Activities will also include voter education across the target areas, aiming to reach 1,350 citizens in workshops and 170,000 via a public campaign, seeking to inform citizens on how to prevent votes from being stolen or manipulated.
Evaluation Date
August 2021

Lesson Learned: Helping Teenagers to Transform their Communities in Ukraine

Plan early to develop and implement a strategic communication campaign to tell a multi-dimensional transmedia narrative story about their project through multiple channels that are most used by direct beneficiaries and target audiences. Consider hiring an experienced media communication specialist to help with regional and national media coverage efforts beyond simple announcements.
Project Description
The project aims to foster civic participation of young people in Ukraine by training them to become responsible and pro-active citizens. The central activity of the project is a non-formal civic education training program in four stages that will train teenagers to become "Junior Agents of Change" in four pilot cities. Trained Junior Agents of Change will implement development projects aiming for the transformation of their social environment and the development of their communities.
Evaluation Date
September 2020

Lesson Learned: Creative Communication of the Nigerian Budget

Involving the media in monitoring public works worked well. Using the media helped empower communities with simplified budget information which they used to demand accountability from their parliamentarians. The media was viewed as a key contributor of information in real time and an avenue through which budget information could be disseminated widely to a large audience.
Project Partner
BudgIT Information Technology Network
Project Description
The goal of the project was to empower citizens with information about the budget process and public expenditure so as to increase the transparency and accountability of the Nigerian government. The project addressed a lack of easily understandable information on the national budget in Nigeria specifically the problem of public works projects that were promised but never completed. The original project strategy was to use social media to engage local community-based organizations (CBOs) to monitor the completion of mini public works. However, due to limited access to technology and low commitment by the local CBOs, the grantee instead engaged Project Tracking Officers (PTOs) who were equipped with mobile phones and technical skills to undertake project monitoring activities in each targeted community and who were accountable directly to the grantee.  Instead of working with the CBOs, the grantee decided to engage with community leaders as “champions” to involve community members in community project monitoring. However, the broadcast television component of the project - Tracka. - had an impact. This media platform provided a tool for giving feedback to citizens and was very effective in collecting, transferring and sharing the information on the status of the public works
Evaluation Date
July 2018

Lesson Learned: Am I Equal in Kosovo Society?

When attempting to introduce or change perceptions of previously controversial and/or 'taboo' topics, organizations should highly consider the use of radio and TV in order to remove these concepts from social marginalization/isolation and encourage public debate on these topics.

Project Partner
INC Network of Media
Project Description
The project aims to enhance the role of women in Kosovo, through media, by focusing on three key topics: violence against women, discrimination in employment, and sexual harassment. The project will raise awareness on the above mentioned issues via radio, TV, and internet; increasing the capacity of women and key stakeholders through training, workshops, and meetings. Additionally, the project will directly engage with public authorities and private employers to advocate for the implementation of anti-discriminatory laws, policies and practices.
Evaluation Date
July 2018

Lesson Learned: ICT Empowerment of Women’s Voices in Haiti

In Haiti, as in many low-income countries, IT is under-utilized as a tool to empower rural women.  Making it more accessible strengthens the capacity for action and self-esteem of rural women, who are often victims of triple exclusion: as women, rural and poor.
Project Partner
ActionAid Haiti
Project Description
Considering that 24 per cent of rural women in Haïti are farmers, issues around access to land, management and exploitation of natural resources are hugely important. In both the North and North-East departments where 50 per cent of the population rely on farming activities to live, land issues in can be highly contested and become a source of conflict. To addresses the issues faced by rural Haitian women farmers, UNDEF funded a project focusing on women’s access to ICT. The project was highly effective in both building skills and strengthening the capacity of women to network and lobby for their rights. Through the activities of the project, rural women’s capacities to lobby for results were increased. The use of technology to achieve lobbying outcomes was innovative and efficient, leading to direct benefits in the five target communities. The project was relevant and facilitated the establishment of dialogue between grassroots organizations and local authorities. The implementing agency also efficiently managed high-level outputs remaining within the project plan.
Evaluation Date
May 2018

Lesson Learned: ICT Empowerment of Women’s Voices in Haiti

If a women’s empowerment project engages both women-only organizations and mixed organizations, it should discuss with stakeholders at the beginning of the project how to manage the dual discourse.
Project Partner
ActionAid Haiti
Project Description
Considering that 24 per cent of rural women in Haïti are farmers, issues around access to land, management and exploitation of natural resources are hugely important. In both the North and North-East departments where 50 per cent of the population rely on farming activities to live, land issues in can be highly contested and become a source of conflict. To addresses the issues faced by rural Haitian women farmers, UNDEF funded a project focusing on women’s access to ICT. The project was highly effective in both building skills and strengthening the capacity of women to network and lobby for their rights. Through the activities of the project, rural women’s capacities to lobby for results were increased. The use of technology to achieve lobbying outcomes was innovative and efficient, leading to direct benefits in the five target communities. The project was relevant and facilitated the establishment of dialogue between grassroots organizations and local authorities. The implementing agency also efficiently managed high-level outputs remaining within the project plan.
Evaluation Date
May 2018

Lesson Learned: ICT Empowerment of Women’s Voices in Haiti

In low-income countries, women’s empowerment projects should develop collaborations with organizations specialized in literacy to enable rural women to acquire computer skills.
Project Partner
ActionAid Haiti
Project Description
Considering that 24 per cent of rural women in Haïti are farmers, issues around access to land, management and exploitation of natural resources are hugely important. In both the North and North-East departments where 50 per cent of the population rely on farming activities to live, land issues in can be highly contested and become a source of conflict. To addresses the issues faced by rural Haitian women farmers, UNDEF funded a project focusing on women’s access to ICT. The project was highly effective in both building skills and strengthening the capacity of women to network and lobby for their rights. Through the activities of the project, rural women’s capacities to lobby for results were increased. The use of technology to achieve lobbying outcomes was innovative and efficient, leading to direct benefits in the five target communities. The project was relevant and facilitated the establishment of dialogue between grassroots organizations and local authorities. The implementing agency also efficiently managed high-level outputs remaining within the project plan.
Evaluation Date
May 2018