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Lesson Learned: Enabling Women to Participate in Sustainable Water Management in Armenia

In transitioning societies with the control and accountability mechanisms under development having tangible assets delivered, strategic position-holders interested, and locally recognized agents of change with multiplication potential involved are important to ensure the target population’s immediate interest, as well as the longer-term sense of ownership to be developed and the sustainability of the project to be achieved. Whenever possible, adding the beneficiary financial contribution element, such as community funds, can help in enhancing the sense of ownership and accountability for public expenditures and improving processes for public consultation in development planning.
Project Partner
Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment NGO
Project Description
The project aims to contribute to strategies regarding the sustainable management of natural water resources in the Ararat Valley through enhancement of women’s groups that supply oversight and equity in community water and sanitation resources. Three groups will be interlinked in their actions to facilitate discussion on tariff compensation; monitor the participation of oversight activities on irrigation; and implement four pilot projects at the community level. Pilot projects will identify community-based participatory approaches to decision-making involving women to improve access and management of water resources.
Evaluation Date
November 2021

Lesson Learned: Support for Elections in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Ensuring that an election focused project starts significantly before polling day can make it easier to implement (as there will be less pressure on the time of key election stakeholders) and can allow for pre-election elements, such as primaries and campaigns, to be targeted.
Project Partner
Stakeholder Democracy Network
Project Description
Elections in Nigeria, and especially in its oil-producing Niger Delta states, have in the past been disputed and given rise to violence. One of these states, Bayelsa, is due to choose a new governor in 2020 in what is expected to be a hotly contested election. The project seeks to minimize the risk of dispute and help to ensure the election is free, fair, and credible. It will support the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission to train staff engaged to oversee polling in at-risk areas in the procedures necessary to do so effectively. It will support the creation of a database to register party political agents in three areas, reducing the risk of unidentifiable persons engaging in illegal political activity. Activities will also include voter education across the target areas, aiming to reach 1,350 citizens in workshops and 170,000 via a public campaign, seeking to inform citizens on how to prevent votes from being stolen or manipulated.
Evaluation Date
August 2021

Lesson Learned: Strengthening CSO Engagement with Defence Institutions to Reduce Corruption and Strengthen Accountability in Mali

In a crowded donor environment with multiple civil society actors, and a highly volatile and dynamic political and security context, the project demonstrated the need to maintain good links with key actors in the International Community as well as national government stakeholders. This requires an investment in time and resources. To ensure longer-term durability and sustainability of projects, considerations for mobilising and engaging with the international community should be an integral part of Civil Society Organisation planning and strategy.
Project Partner
Transparency International UK
Project Description
The project was implemented by Transparency International – Defense and Security (as Implementing Agency) and the Cercle de Réflexion et d’Information pour la Consolidation de la Démocratie au Mali (CRI-2002, as Implementing Partner), from April 2018 to December 2019. The project benefited from a UNDEF grant of USD 187,000 and sought to reduce the risk of corruption in the Malian defense and security sector. It included a mix of capacity-building, advocacy and research work in order to build civil society’s ability to advocate for accountability and transparency in the defense sector, and to open a space for them to do so. Strengthening links between civil society and defense institutions and the democratic bodies charged with oversight of defense was an integral part of the approach.
Evaluation Date
February 2021

Lesson Learned: Learning Democracy DemoLab in Hungary

Creating networks and achieving ‘network effects’ takes a lot of time that is often difficult to realize within the short period of time of a project. Therefore, projects need to build on

existing networks; or follow-up activities (with a focus on strengthening networks) could be considered. Similarly, peer-to-peer dissemination (e.g. school-to-school; teacher-to-teacher) is

challenging especially beyond presenting outcomes at events. Related activities need timely planning and targeting.
Project Partner
Foundation for Democratic Youth
Project Description
The project offers a unique opportunity for experiential learning for young people of all walks of life. It enables them to acquire basic personal, social and citizenship skills and experience a democratic and safe environment in which they are encouraged to take initiatives of their own. This will happen through regularly organized Demo Lab sessions in high schools, boot camps in the summer and assemblies at the beginning of the school year, to empower young Hungarians to take active part in shaping their communities and society, and to inspire others to follow suit.
Evaluation Date
September 2020

Lesson Learned: Transparency and Public Accountability in Education in Brazil

The grantee’s self-assessment concluded that the project should not have ended simultaneously with the delivery of the final event. In future projects, and during the design stage, it is useful to ensure that the projects continue for a few weeks or month after the end of the activities. This would enable the development of activities not initial foreseen and also include the final evaluation activities.
Project Partner
Transparencia Brasil
Project Description
The project works to improve access to education in Brazil, by tackling mismanagement in construction of schools; empowering civil society groups to pressure local and federal government official for more accountability; building a network of local monitoring organizations; gathering robust information on problems in several phases of construction and delivery, presented in semi-annual reports to Federal Government and media; holding a final conference on lessons learned and how to redesign policies for effective monitoring and control with the help of local civil society organizations.
Evaluation Date
June 2020

Lesson Learned: Towards a Rights-based Political Culture for the Political Participation of the Dominican Population of Haitian Origin

When the project tackles long-standing generational issues (as is the case in this project), the methodology used to guide the intervention plays a key role in project impact.

The use of a 'Theory of Change' (ToC) approach can help with looking beyond the logical framework to collectively construct a clear understanding of the transformations sought by the project.

The use of a ToC approach can help...:
1) Organizational awareness of the need to review and update the assumptions used in the initial project design
2) Simplify the nature of the context and determine whether the initially established conditions for change have been maintained
3) Redefine new strategies as needed
Project Partner
Project Description
The project aims at promoting recognition of the rights of Dominicans of Haitian descent and those at risk of deportation in three municipal districts. The project will achieve: increased access to identity and migration documents, increased debate and knowledge on the rights of Dominicans of Haitian descent and immigrants, and strengthened capacity and advocacy efforts leveraged by diverse actors to promote for the right to nationality, immigration regularization, and due process in case of deportation.
Evaluation Date
November 2018

Lesson Learned: Fostering Ethical Democracy and Advancing Micro Justice in India

This project provides a good model of planning for project sustainability. The grantee planned for sustainability in every component of the project, leaving nothing to change. This particular grantee's experience suggests that projects that deliver tangible benefits to communities may be sustained by those communities themselves.

Project Partner
DHAN Foundation
Project Description
This project aims to improve the provision of local democratic services to women, youth and students in disadvantaged communities in 5 regions. It will facilitate capacity development and create an enabling environment for Women Self Help Groups, youth associations and student groups to support their own "democracy action" initiatives. The project also seeks to initiate intensive campaigns on the Right to Information Act, in developing informed citizens. Additionally, the project will develop micro justice initiatives to address problems of infringement of rights; establishing para-legal clinics to facilitate the insurance of citizen rights and entitlements for development.
Evaluation Date
September 2018

Lesson Learned: Am I Equal in Kosovo Society?

Grantees should conduct a pre-project assessment that establishes what the project activities' inherent risks are (e.g: non-participation, disinterest, feasibility issues) as well as the underlying reasons for said issues in order to mitigate project risks.

Project Partner
INC Network of Media
Project Description
The project aims to enhance the role of women in Kosovo, through media, by focusing on three key topics: violence against women, discrimination in employment, and sexual harassment. The project will raise awareness on the above mentioned issues via radio, TV, and internet; increasing the capacity of women and key stakeholders through training, workshops, and meetings. Additionally, the project will directly engage with public authorities and private employers to advocate for the implementation of anti-discriminatory laws, policies and practices.
Evaluation Date
July 2018

Lesson Learned: For a More Vigilant Civil Society in Morocco

The grantee’s project and partnership management was transparent, respecting the contract terms. The result framework’s achievement indicators, as well as quality control mechanisms were established from the beginning of the project. No significant delays were reported in the mobilisation of human, financial and logistic resources.
Project Partner
Association Mouvement Alternatives citoyenne
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen democratic processes and the rule of law, through the progressive incorporation of grass-roots organizations and marginalized sections of the Moroccan society in elaborating and monitoring public policy. The project strategy was structured around capacity building of civil society organizations to participate in democratic mechanisms, and support to marginalized groups, in particular women and youth, to foster their inclusion as protagonists in the management of public affairs. In the context of the Morocco’s democratic transition, the project’s efforts to promote the new Constitution was very useful, as most civil society organizations were unacquainted with concepts and mechanisms of participatory democracy, as well as with the new prerogatives as set in the country’s 2011 Constitution.
Evaluation Date
May 2016

Lesson Learned: Promoting Women's Participation in Local Budgetary Processes

A sense of ownership by the women NGOs/CBOs members has apparently been achieved in Niger in each targeted municipality. Nevertheless, sustainable ownership of Gender Responsive Budgeting is still fragile and all stakeholders recognize that more time is needed to consolidate the women’s work which has been initiated.
Project Partner
Alternative Espaces Citoyens
Project Description
Working with women’s community-based organizations and municipal authorities the project aimed to enhance the social and economic rights of women in Niger by supporting Gender Responsive Budgeting. Integrating a gender perspective into all steps of the municipal budget process, the project focused on improving the capacity of women to advocate municipalities to shape local budgetary policies which consider their health, education and water sanitation concerns. The project’s strategy of working directly with women community based organization members and municipal officials brought activities closer to beneficiaries in the five targeted municipalities of Niger. This approach was highly relevant to women as a beneficiary group, which for most part, rarely has a voice in public affairs and limited access to political decision-making processes.
Evaluation Date
March 2016