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project design


Lesson Learned: Empowering Rural Communities in Bhutan through Mass Media

In a country like Bhutan, where culture is overwhelmingly dominant in every aspect of life and policies and seen separately from democracy, implementing a project that promotes democracy through strengthening media is not without challenges. Bhutan is ambitious to make the cultural perspective visible in all development co-operation and projects, which suggests a "mainstreaming" approach. Since culture is a complex concept and naturally varies considerably from country to country, mainstreaming is difficult. But, at the project level, it would be more appropriate to address culture using a rights perspective that focuses on freedom of expression and information. Nevertheless, it would be highly relevant to systematically include the roles of culture in media development and the promotion of democracy and democratic institutions.
Project Partner
Journalists' Association of Bhutan
Project Description
The project aims to address low levels of media knowledge and social media awareness in Bhutan’s rural population, urban centric news media, and the lack of viable, private and free media coverage on rural issues. By training journalists to report on local issues in both mainstream and social media the project will encourage local communities to engage in active reporting on rural issues. Small grants will be awarded by a jury to recognize excellence in local journalism and to encourage continued meaningful contributions to free media in Bhutan by individual rural journalists.
Evaluation Date
December 2022

Lesson Learned: Promoting Gender-Sensitive Personal Status Laws in Lebanon

External coherence and synergy between the organisation’s different projects/interventions require a minimum of formal and systematic coordination such as the collaboration that took place with a feminist platform in the case of this project.
Project Partner
KAFA (Enough) Violence and Exploitation
Project Description
This project aims to strengthen advocacy efforts towards a gender-sensitive civil personal status law in Lebanon. It will build capacity in civil society; create a coalition of a range of actors; engage the media; educate and inform the public; and increase pressure on political parties to take action on the draft law currently being reviewed by a committee in parliament. It will build a strong foundation for a well-informed, consistent national campaign to change the current law, which threatens democracy and human rights, in particular the rights of women, children, and marginalized groups, as well as increasing political pressure on lawmakers. Project activities will also incorporate actions in response to the Covid-19 crisis, as it impacts women, including gender-based violence.
Evaluation Date
September 2022

Lesson Learned: Jeunesse et participation électorale au Burkina Faso

Grantees need to be disciplined in their monitoring and reporting, making best use of the comprehensive guidance available on the UNDEF website. Grantees should feel free to suggest to UNDEF alternative baselines, target indicators and means of verification if data collection against initially planned Results Frameworks proves more difficult than expected or impossible.
Project Partner
Association Jeunesse Espoir d’Afrique
Project Description
Le projet vise à renforcer davantage la mobilisation sociale et l'engagement de la jeunesse dans les processus électoraux en cours au Burkina en vue des élections couplées législatives et présidentielle de 2020. Il s’agira au cours du projet de faire le monitoring de l’enrôlement biométrique des électeurs, de mener des actions de préservation de la cohésion sociale pour un processus électoral apaisé. Il est également prévu la prévention des conflits électoraux par la réalisation du monitoring de la violence.
Evaluation Date
May 2022

Lesson Learned: Jeunesse et participation électorale au Burkina Faso

Sensitivity to local languages should be an essential part of project design and delivery in countries where such diversity exists, though this may bring additional challenges in terms of measuring and evaluating the success of an intervention.
Project Partner
Association Jeunesse Espoir d’Afrique
Project Description
Le projet vise à renforcer davantage la mobilisation sociale et l'engagement de la jeunesse dans les processus électoraux en cours au Burkina en vue des élections couplées législatives et présidentielle de 2020. Il s’agira au cours du projet de faire le monitoring de l’enrôlement biométrique des électeurs, de mener des actions de préservation de la cohésion sociale pour un processus électoral apaisé. Il est également prévu la prévention des conflits électoraux par la réalisation du monitoring de la violence.
Evaluation Date
May 2022

Lesson Learned: Citizen Empowerment for the Promotion of Good Governance and Participatory Democracy in Algeria

There is a particular need to involve citizens and CSOs in local development in Algeria. The framework, mechanisms, and tools for this participation are significantly dependent on experimentation, hence the relevance of funded initiatives which prioritise capacity building, experimentation, and learning.
Project Partner
Association de Solidarité et de Lutte contre la Pauvrete et l'exclusion
Project Description
This pilot project aims to promote good governance and sustainable local development, through democratic participation and dialogue among non-governmental organizations and public authorities in Bordj Boi Arreridj, Algeria. Campaigns will be implemented across four Wiliyah’s on communication, sensitization, training, and animation-consultation with production tools for decision-making support, to enhance citizen participation and action that meets the needs of Algerian civil society.
Evaluation Date
January 2022

Lesson Learned: Citizen Empowerment for the Promotion of Good Governance and Participatory Democracy in Algeria

To strengthen collaboration between CSOs and States officials, it is necessary to consider the following:
a. The commitment of the authorities to grant authorisations for the financing and implementation of similar projects.
b. Planning awareness and targeted communication activities to overcome the mistrust and lack of motivation on the part of CSOs and youth.
c. Interventions must create spaces for dialogue and collaboration, managed by unbiased and trusted keys actors and facilitators.
Project Partner
Association de Solidarité et de Lutte contre la Pauvrete et l'exclusion
Project Description
This pilot project aims to promote good governance and sustainable local development, through democratic participation and dialogue among non-governmental organizations and public authorities in Bordj Boi Arreridj, Algeria. Campaigns will be implemented across four Wiliyah’s on communication, sensitization, training, and animation-consultation with production tools for decision-making support, to enhance citizen participation and action that meets the needs of Algerian civil society.
Evaluation Date
January 2022

Lesson Learned: Fostering the Electoral Participation of Internally Displaced Persons in Georgia

Elections-related projects aimed at contributing to the democratic consolidation, cannot be seen as self-sufficient, stand-alone initiatives. In the current case, not considering the deviation of the team’s assumptions from the actual baseline and the lack of subsequent review of the implementation strategy negatively affected the project’s relevance and overall impact. When drafting and implementing such projects, it is therefore important to consider the wide range of factors related not only to the micro dimension but also those related to the macro dimension, which are relevant for the project’s integration and relevance within the larger policy context and important for the sustainability and impact to reach beyond the project’s immediate lifetime.
Project Partner
Consortium Legal Aid Georgia
Project Description
The project aims to increase awareness of electoral processes and to create an informed type of participation for internally displaced persons in Georgia. This will be achieved through mobilization and training to improve knowledge of electoral processes and encourage meaningful electoral involvement in the upcoming 2020 parliamentary election, and 2021 municipal elections. Capacity building activities will target civil society organizations who observe and monitor local elections.
Evaluation Date
November 2021

Lesson Learned: Fostering the Electoral Participation of Internally Displaced Persons in Georgia

This project, as designed and presented had the potential to develop into a forward-looking program with a far-reaching positive impact on increasing the target population’s participation in elections as voters and as candidates. Though most of the expected outputs were successfully delivered, their impact was rather limited. LAG put efforts into producing the outputs in quantity, but due to the lack of programmatic approach and appropriate followup missed an opportunity to ensure their long-term applicability. In some cases, especially as regards the two main assets developed within the project’s framework – the Trainers’ Pool and the capacitated CSOs, this resulted in insufficient performance. Applying the mechanisms and capacity developed within the project’s framework during the 2021 municipal and subsequent elections would be instrumental in increasing the sustainability of the project’s results and its longer-term impact.
Project Partner
Consortium Legal Aid Georgia
Project Description
The project aims to increase awareness of electoral processes and to create an informed type of participation for internally displaced persons in Georgia. This will be achieved through mobilization and training to improve knowledge of electoral processes and encourage meaningful electoral involvement in the upcoming 2020 parliamentary election, and 2021 municipal elections. Capacity building activities will target civil society organizations who observe and monitor local elections.
Evaluation Date
November 2021

Lesson Learned: Support for Elections in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Frequent and regular dialogue with key institutional partners ensures that activities, outputs and outcomes of the project are achieved. This can include pre-project, or start of project, collaborative planning sessions.
Project Partner
Stakeholder Democracy Network
Project Description
Elections in Nigeria, and especially in its oil-producing Niger Delta states, have in the past been disputed and given rise to violence. One of these states, Bayelsa, is due to choose a new governor in 2020 in what is expected to be a hotly contested election. The project seeks to minimize the risk of dispute and help to ensure the election is free, fair, and credible. It will support the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission to train staff engaged to oversee polling in at-risk areas in the procedures necessary to do so effectively. It will support the creation of a database to register party political agents in three areas, reducing the risk of unidentifiable persons engaging in illegal political activity. Activities will also include voter education across the target areas, aiming to reach 1,350 citizens in workshops and 170,000 via a public campaign, seeking to inform citizens on how to prevent votes from being stolen or manipulated.
Evaluation Date
August 2021

Lesson Learned: Empowering Communities Threatened with Displacement in Thailand

According to the grantee, a three-pronged approach, or a “triangle-to-move-the-mountain approach” literally translated from Thai, is necessary to bring about an enabling environment and long-lasting change:
a. Strengthening of networks and partners through capacity building, collaborative works, knowledge sharing;
b. Improvement of data, academic works, and communications related to the critical issues at hand;
c. Long-term investment in policy advocacy at district, provincial and national levels.
Project Partner
Chumchonthai Foundation
Project Description
Economic growth has benefited many citizens but has in some cases resulted in being a threat to cultural existence, livelihoods, and land/citizenship rights of communities. This project aims to promote the social, political and economic inclusion of marginalized communities in the Andaman region of Thailand, through capacity development, advocacy and community campaigning to eliminate discriminatory laws, policies, and practices. It seeks to help members of marginalized communities to gain legal identities and acquire the political and legal know-how, and organizational skills needed to assert their rights and in participating in decision-making processes. Moreover, it will support media and public-advocacy campaigns designed to increase local authorities’ knowledge of and compliance with laws and policies, recognizing the rights of marginalized people and communities.
Evaluation Date
December 2020